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Using Service Discovery to build dynamic python applications


Alexys Jacob - Using Service Discovery to build dynamic python applications [EuroPython 2016] [20 July 2016] [Bilbao, Euskadi, Spain] (

Let's compare the usage of three major service discovery technologies to build a dynamic and distributed python application !

This talk will be about consul, etcd and zookeeper and their python bindings and will feature code along with a live demo.

This talk will showcase and compare three Service Discovery technologies and their usage to build a dynamic and distributed python application :

  • consul
  • etcd
  • zookeeper

After a short introduction to service discovery, we will iterate and compare how we can address the concrete and somewhat complex design of our python application using each technology.

We'll then be able to discuss their strengths, weaknesses and python bindings and finally showcase the application in a demo.

All the source code will of course be made available for the audience to benefit and start from for their own use !

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