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Introduction to Network Analysis by Analyzing Characters in Harry Potter Fanfiction


Introduction to Network Analysis by Analyzing Characters in Harry Potter Fanfiction - PyCon Italia 2022

Is Ginny considered the best girl for Harry? Do Hermione and Snape really go well together? In this talk, I will go through the process of analyzing the tags data from the fanfiction website, which might help answer these and some similar questions. In the more and more globalized world, network analysis is becoming more and more prominent in helping us realize how different people and things are connected. Let it be how the power grid will need to change, to accommodate the move to renewable sources or how the different political and corporate actors are connected, explaining why some changes can happen as some do not.

Or it can be done to answer some other, in some way just as interesting. Is Ginny considered the best girl for Harry? Do Hermione and Snape really go well together? And many more.

In this talk, I will go through the process of analyzing the tags data from the fanfiction website. I will go through the formatting of the data for analysis with the networkx library, some simple analysis and the visualization of the data.

I will not assume any network analysis knowledge, but I will assume that you are comfortable programming in Python on a level, that if you need to create a quick script, you could do it easily.


Speaker: Sara Jakša


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