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Event: PyCon Italia 2022
Other events in this series:
Addestramento d'emergenza alla fase di Discovery per sviluppatori frustrati
Autenticazione e autorizzazione in salsa microservice
Automate cleaning code in few easy steps!
Automate creation and deployment using Python, Terraform and GitLab
Back to Basics: Revisiting Basics with few Tips and Tricks in Python3.10v!
Best practices for good(ish) and clean(ish) code
Boost your motivation by organizing your workspace with plants
Building data pipelines with Apache Airflow
Building GraphQL APIs using Python and Type Hints
Can Unsupevised ML Be Overfitted?
Come gestire dinamicamente un database tramite microservizi
Come sfruttare le session auth di Django per un progetto multi tenant
Conference Opening and Welcome
Continuous Disclosure: la nuova divulgazione dell’apprendimento è continua
Continuous Documentation for your Python code
Creare API REST su Odoo con OCA REST Framework
Creating Python services using cookiecutter
Da crontab a Celery senza rimpianti
DALL·E Flow: when neural search meets generative art
Data Engineering and Python
Data Visualization con Streamlit
Debugging asynchronous programs in Python
Django with PostgreSQL superpowers
Don't rely on discipline
Efficient computer vision on edge devices: How we guide blind people using Python
Efficient ML pipelines using Parquet and PyArrow
Emmett: the web framework for inventors
Event Driven Applications with Flask and Kafka
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Async But Were Afraid to Ask (cit.)
Everything You Know About MongoDB is Wrong
Exploring Patterns to Debug your Life
Four years of Python
From XML to JSON and beyond
Fuzzing Python code with Atheris
Generazione file PDF per affinamento dell'Object detection
Genetic Algorithm from Scratch in Python
Goodbye and Conference Closing 👋
Head First Machine Learning
How the internet could be healthier
How to imprison a minotaur: mazes building methodologies
HPy: the future of Python C extensions
Ideas, Visions and Reality: Looking back on 20 years of community work - Mar
Inclusive community leadership
Intervista Pythonista con Fabio Pliger 🐍🎙
Introduction to Network Analysis by Analyzing Characters in Harry Potter Fanfiction
Introduction to Property-Based testing using Hypothesis
It's Your Call(able): a tour of Python's callable (function) interface
La Continuous Delivery è una condizione mentale
Leaflet on steroids with Django
Librerie Python per Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Lightning talks
Linting Python The Elegant Way
Make the most of Django
Managing large-scale ML pipelines with MLflow and serverless computing.
/metrics, a must have
Modern Data Engineering with Python
Modern Python: Alla scoperta delle ultime novità di (C)Python
MongoDB and Python, a Perfect Match
Mutabilità e side effect non sono tuoi amici
Nowcasting financial crisis with deep learning techniques
Oops ho sovrascritto le tue modifiche
Optimal design & control of a telecommunications network
Patti chiari, amicizia lunga. Disaccoppiamo lo sviluppo con test di contratto
Predictive maintenance: from data collection to ML key approaches
Pro tips for writing great unit tests
Processing and analysing streaming data with Python and Apache Flink
Protecting hardcoded credentials in public source code
Psycopg from 2 to 3: designing and living Free Software
Python 3.10: let's pattern match! 🔥
Python, Data Science and the Community: The Past, Present and Future
Python Developers vs UX/UI Designer, incontri e scontri
Python has a macro language: it's Python
Python Italia Yearly Meeting
Python Robo-Advisor: Come uso Python per gestire i mie risparmi
Python, you can drive my car. Yes, I'm gonna be a star.
Python's Life of the Brain
RegEx Strikes Back: Regular Expressions for Text Mining
REST In Peace - producing REST services for Odoo by code or just backend
Rilasciare software di valore e in maniera continua. Si può!
Seek Answers on Oncology with Machine Learning
Self-explaining APIs
Smart Home: l’AI applicata al benessere della persona
Soo many ingredients in the webapp kitchen!
Standardising MLOps in a start-up with Dagster and PyTorch
Structural Pattern Matching in the Real World
Stupid Things I've Done With Python
Supercharge Your Shell — Command-Line Power-Ups and Dotfile Automation
Sustainable Code Panel
Sviluppare e progettare consapevolmente: occhio all'inclusività
Teaching Python: who, how and what
Test sana in codice sano
Testing Documentation
Testing ML Systems: More than just accuracy
The Design of Everyday APIs
Transformer e Meccanismi di Attenzione: modelli che rivoluzionano l'AI
Trojan Source - Can we trust open-source anymore?
Using GitHub Actions and Python to keep your blogs updated
Viaggio nel mondo delle librerie python
Vulture eats some Python
Web Accessibility in mind
What do you want to be known for?
When gRPC Met Python
Who killed Laura Palmer? How to implement a question answering system
Why is our project late?
Write Any Python Program in One Line and Only Using Lambdas!
Writing async microservices in Python
Writing Faster Python 3