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Archives for April 2014
Code Review
Configuration management - finding the tool
Panel: Python 3 Adoption and Barriers
Scaling the Facebook Cache Infrastructure with Python
2D/3D graphics with Python on mobile platforms
A Scenic Drive through the Django Request-Response Cycle
Advanced techniques for Web functional testing
Analyzing Rap Lyrics with Python
Building the App
Cheap Helicopters In My Living Room
Closing address - PyCon 2014 (2014/04/13)
Data intensive biology in the cloud: instrumenting ALL the things
Deliver Your Software In An Envelope
Designing Django's Migrations
Designing Poetic APIs
Developing Flask Extensions
Discovering Python
Diving into Open Data with IPython Notebook & Pandas
Django: The good parts
Farewell and Welcome Home: Python in Two Genders
Fast Python, Slow Python
Games for Science: Creating interactive psychology experiments
Garbage Collection in Python
Getting Started Testing
Hitchhikers Guide to Participating in Open Source
In Depth PDB
Introduction to Docker
Introduction to SQLAlchemy Core
It's Dangerous to Go Alone: Battling the Invisible Monsters in Tech
Keynote - Fernando Pérez
Keynote - Guido Van Rossum
Keynote: Python, the next generation - Jessica McKellar
Keynote - Van Lindberg
Know Thy Neighbor: Scikit and the K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
Lightning talks - Saturday morning
Lightning talks - Sunday afternoon
Lightning talks - Sunday morning
Localization Revisited
Multi-factor Authentication - Possession Factors
My big gay adventure. Making, releasing and selling an indie game made in python.
Outreach Program for Women: Lessons in Collaboration
Performance Testing and Profiling: A Virtuous Cycle
Postgres Performance for Humans
PostgreSQL is Web Scale (Really :) )
Programming an Autonomous 20 Foot Blimp with Python
Pushing Python: Building a High Throughput, Low Latency System
PyCon 2014 Awards
Python in the Browser: Intro to Brython
Python packaging simplified, for end users, app developers
Quick Wins for Better Website Security
REST is not enough: Using Push Notifications to better support your mobile clients
Sane schema migrations with Alembic and SQLAlchemy
See Docs Run. Run, Docs, Run!
Set your code free: releasing and maintaining an open-source Python project
Smart Dumpster: Employing Python to Report Real-Time Resource
So You Want to Build an API?
Software Carpentry: Lessons Learned
Software Engineering Research for Hackers: Bridging the Two Solitudes
Subprocess to FFI: Memory, Performance, and Why You Shouldn't Shell Out
Technical on-boarding, training, and mentoring.
The Day of the EXE Is Upon Us
The Sorry State of SSL
Track memory leaks in Python
Unit Testing Makes Your Code Better
Upgrade your Web Development Toolchain
What is coming in Python packaging
Which messaging layer should you use if you want to build
Writing RESTful web services with Flask
Advanced methods for creating decorators
All Your Ducks In A Row: Data Structures in the Standard Library and Beyond
An Introduction to Twisted
Ansible - Python-Powered Radically Simple IT Automation
Application Deployment State of the Onion
Bayesian statistics made simple
Beyond Defaults: Creating Polished Visualizations Using Matplotlib
Blending art, technology, and light, Python for interactive and real time
Build your own PiDoorbell! - Learn Home Automation with Python
Building and breaking a Python sandbox
By Your Bootstraps: Porting Your Application to Python3
Cache me if you can: memcached, caching patterns and best practices
Castle Anthrax: Dungeon Generation Techniques
Character encoding and Unicode in Python
Computer science fundamentals for self-taught programmers
Contribute with me! Getting started with open source development
Data Wrangling for Kaggle Data Science Competitions -- An etude
Decorators: A Powerful Weapon in your Python Arsenal
Distributed Computing Is Hard, Lets Go Shopping
Distributed task processing using Celery
Django for Web Designers and Front End Developers
Dynamics and Control with Python
Enough Machine Learning to Make Hacker News Readable Again
Fan-in and Fan-out: The crucial components of concurrency
Faster Python Programs through Optimization
Flask by Example
For Lack of a Better Name(server): DNS Explained.
Generators: The Final Frontier
Getting Hy on Python: How to implement a Lisp front-end to Python
Getting Started with SaltStack
Hands-on with Pydata: how to build a minimal
Hello Physical World: A Crash Course on the Internet of Things
How to Get Started with Machine Learning
Import-ant Decisions
Improving automated testing with py.test
Introduction to game programming
Introduction to Regular Expressions
Introduction to SQLAlchemy
Introduction to Web (and data!) Scraping with Python
IPython in depth: high productivity interactive and parallel python
Keynote - John Perry Barlow
Kneel And Disconnect: Getting The Fastest Connection Out Of A Hostname
Let's Learn Twisted Python
Lightning talks - Saturday Evening
Pickles are for Delis, not Software
PostgreSQL Proficiency for Python People
Puppet Modules: Apps for Ops
Python 3/2 Web Development with Pyramid
Python for Social Scientists
Python + Geographic Data = BFFs
Python Scraping Showdown: A performance and accuracy review
Realtime predictive analytics using scikit-learn & RabbitMQ
Search 101: An Introduction to Information Retrieval
Shiny, Let's Be Bad Guys: Exploiting and Mitigating the Top 10
So you want to be a full-stack developer? How to build a full-stack python
Straightening Out AngularJS with Python
TDD for web applications, from scratch
Teaching Python: To Infinity and Beyond
The Python Pipeline: Why you should reach out to local teachers
The State of Crypto in Python
The Young Coder: Let's Learn Python
Turn Your Computer Into a Server
Twisted Mixing
What Is Async, How Does It Work, And When Should I Use It?
0 to 00111100 with web2py
Descriptors and Metaclasses - Understanding and Using Python's More Advanced Features
Diving deeper into Machine Learning with Scikit-learn
Exploring Machine Learning with Scikit-learn
Getting Started with Django, a crash course
Hands-on intro to Python for beginning programmers
How to formulate a (science) problem and analyze it using Python code
Lightning talks - Friday afternoon
Mining Social Web APIs with IPython Notebook
mrjob: Snakes on a Hadoop
Opening Statements - PyCon 2014 (2014/04/11)
Python Epiphanies
PyCon 2014 - Quelles retombées pour Montréal ? (4 de 4)
PyCon 2014 - Le rôle de la communauté (3 de 4)
PyCon 2014 à Montréal du 9 au 17 avril (1 de 4)
PyCon 2014 - Une conférence est née! (2 de 4)