A thank you to everyone who makes this possible:
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Thank You
Speaker: Unknown
Lightning Talks - May 19, 8am
Lightning Talks - May 18, 5pm
Lightning Talks - May 18, 8am
Lightning Talks - May 17, 6pm
Lightning Talks
Friday Lightning Talks
Saturday Lightning Talks
Sunday Lightning Talks
Lightning Talks - April 22, 5pm
Lightning Talks - April 22, 8am
Lightning Talks - April 23, 8am
PyCascades 2023: Day 2
PyCascades 2023: Day 1
Welcome & UKPA AGM
Saturday Lightning Talks
Saturday Welcome Session
Friday Lightning Talks
Friday Welcome Session
Conference Opening and Welcome
Goodbye and Conference Closing 👋
Lightning talks
Python Italia Yearly Meeting
Your very own real time chat with Django Channels
Education Summit
Maintainers summit
SUMMIT / Typing
Trainers summit
Education Summit 2020
Python Steering Council Community Address
Python Trainers Summit - Hatchery 2020
Airflow para Data Scientists, por Ignacio Javier Mermet
Análisis exploratorio de datos con Python, por João André
Aprendiendo CURSES y BLESSINGS para Terminal Scripting, por Martín Nieva
Astrofotografía pythónica con scikit-image y rawpy, por Claudio Freire
Buenas prácticas para lograr que el trabajo en Jupyter notebooks sea reproducible, por Diego Piloni
Caer con estilo: El modelo Buzz Lightyear de desarrollo de software, por Roberto Alsina
Celular, un testigo posible y silencioso, por María Andrea Vignau
CertMailer - Automatizar envío de certificados, por María Andrea Vignau
Charlas rápidas en la PyConAr 2019-21-06
Charlas rápidas en la PyConAr 2019-21-15
¿Cómo funcionan los Widgets de Jupyter?, por Augusto Kielbowicz
Conectando microservicios con Python, por Rodolfo E. Edelmann
Configuration-friendly apps, por Hernán Lozano
Conociendo las baterías de Python, por Martín Alderete
¡Construyamos juntos! Cómo y por qué tener un PyPI interno en tu organización, por Sofía Denner
¡Contribuir al Software Libre es la tarea!, por Luciano Rossi
Cultura constructiva y visión tecnológica, por Carlos Matías de la Torre y Javier Mansilla
Data-science a escala, con Python, en Mercadolibre, por Carlos Matías de la Torre
Desmitificando Python: típicas preguntas del primer tiempo, por Juan Pedro Fisanotti
El bug invisible, por Yonatan Romero
El desafío de enseñar Python a nivel universitario, por Felipe Morales
El onboarding es invisible a los ojos, por Matías Barriento
En un mundo de unos y ceros, vamos por la diversidad, por Las de sistemas
Enseñar programación y robótica sin morir en el intento, por Romina Fairbairn
Entendiendo asyncio sin usar asyncio, por Juan Pedro Fisanotti
Fuzz & Property Based Testing, por Pablo Fernandez
Grafos temporales sobre NetworkX, por Leonardo Morales
Ignis, una herramienta computacional para la educación, la ciencia y la innovación
Introducción a Python y Pandas para usuarios de Excel, por Fernando González Prada
Keynote: Martín Sarsale
LinuxChix: Open source minds, por Gessica Paniagua
Live Typing - Anotación automática de tipos para lenguajes dinámicos, por Hernán Wilkinson
Lo que nadie te dijo de migrar a Python 3, por Matias Lang y Eric Horvat
Los desafíos de formar a la nueva generación de chicas líderes en tecnología
Machine Learning y grafos, por Federico Albanese y Leandro Lombardi
Modernizando la clase de simulación con Python (¿Cómo aprendí Python para dar clases de simulación?)
μwsgi en producción: los defaults están mal, por Mariano García Berrotarán
No podemos innovar si seguimos realizando tareas manuales, por Osiris Gómez y Cristian G. Segarra
Objetos en Python de 0 a 99,9, por Matias Pereira
PEPificate: 10 PEP a los que deberías prestarles atención, por Juan Manuel Santos
Pipeline Jungles: Es una selva ahí fuera, por Axel Sirota
Procesing big data with Vaex, dataframes and no clusters, por Marco Carranza
Python en Debian: desde la visión de un novato, por Emmanuel Arias
Python para contadores y administrativos, por Gustavo Mena
Qué es y qué hacemos WWCode - Nuestros primeros 6 meses de gestión, por Silvia Daniela Belvedere
¿Qué tienen en común un código QR, un peluche, los Kanjis e ir a la casa de Damián?
RTB en Jampp: Arquitectura, optimizaciones y otras yerbas, por Luciano Lo Giudice
Serpientes y roedores, por Ricardo Kirkner
Trans-TI: Una empresa de IT que solamente emplea personas trans
uWSGI y Gunicorn - Cuándo elegir uno o otro, por Tárliton Godoy
Viaje al centro de Django, por Agustín Scaramuzza
Visor Ambiental. Herramienta para integrar datos científicos en intervención territorial sostenible.
PyCon Sweden 2019 closing remarks
PyCon Sweden 2019 Opening
Accessibility of Python and Data Science - Rishab, Shakul, Abhisar, Sunil
Atom Dynamics in 2 Dimensional Materials : Can Python Help?
Building GraphQL API with Django - Anitha
IndicNLP - Adam Shamsudeen, Kamal Raj, Selva Kumar
Keynote - Devi A S L
Let's Hunt a Memory Leak - Sanket
Lightning Talk - Bhuvana
Lightning Talk - Eshan Singh
Lightning Talk - Gokul
Lightning Talk - Mohamed Javed - Jetbrains
Lightning Talk - Pradeek - Happyfox
Lightning Talk - Praveen J - AWS
Lightning Talk - Rohan Bhindwale - Bloomberg
Lightning Talk - Senthil
Lightning Talk - Srinivasan
Lightning Talk - Subin Siby | Selfie a Day Project
Lightning Talk - Sunil Kumar - Ericsson
Lightning Talk - Vishwesh K - Mad Street Den
Performance Optimization with Python Elasticsearch - Anisha Swain & Manaswini Das
PyCon Ireland 2019 - Chaos Engineering - Brian Neary & Vel Sailaja
PyCon Ireland 2019 - Dynamically generating schemas from arbitrary objects - Jan van der Vegt
PyCon Ireland 2019 - I am telling you 3 things about Chatbot - Cheuk Ting Ho
PyCon Ireland 2019 - Leveraging Public APIs for Machine Learning Datasets Johannes Ahlmann
PyCon Ireland 2019 - Lightning Talks
PyCon Ireland 2019 - Python & digital preservation of Ireland's moving image heritage Kieran O'Leary
PyCon Ireland 2019 - Recruitment Session
PyCon Ireland 2019 - TensorFlow 2.0: Tensorflow Strikes Back - Michele de Simoni
PyCon Ireland 2019 - Turning the database inside-out with Oracle OCI Streaming - Igor De Souza
PyCon Ireland 2019 - Wrapping All Your Databases - Yiu Ming Huynh
PyCon Ireland 2019 - Zero to Blockchain in 30 minutes
Ragabot - Music Encoded - Vikrant Patil, Harsh Vinjamoor
"Smart lock? Nah dude.": Pwning a smart lock with Python - Anirudh & Raghav
Visual Studio Code + Python = Awesomeness ! - Ashish Sahu & Sagar Bhanudas Josh
Alyssa Batula: What is Machine Learning, and How Do I Get Started? | PyData Indy 2019
Ben Fulton: Deep Learning Support at Indiana University | PyData Indy 2019
Chris Pfeiffer: Big Taco Data | PyData Indy 2019
Felix Wyss: Jupyter Notebooks in Visual Studio Code | PyData Indy 2019
Gregor von Laszewski: Data Analytics with the Big Data NIST Reference... | PyData Indy 2019
Justin Bolles: State of Modern Programing | PyData Indy 2019
Kristin Day: Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Healthcare | PyData Indy 2019
Luther Hill: Use Apache-Airflow to Build Data Workflows | PyData Indy 2019
Paul Buis: How to Roll your own Dockerized Jupyter Environment | PyData Indy 2019
Reg Montague: Business Impact of Industry 4.0 | PyData Indy 2019
Robert Herbig: Making AI More Accessible to the Non-Developer | PyData Indy 2019
2FA, WTF? - PyCon SG 2019
An introduction to Python for Machine Learning with VS Code and Azure - PyCon SG 2019
Automate the Boring Stuff with Slackbot - PyCon SG 2019
Building an analytics data pipeline using Airflow and PySpark - PyCon SG 2019
Building an interactive training environment using JupyterHub - PyCon SG 2019
Converting a Static Map image to an Interactive Floorplan - PyCon SG 2019
Day 2 Opening Keynote - PyCon SG 2019
Demystifying RPA with Python - PyCon SG 2019
Demystifying Time Series Forecasting using Python - PyCon SG 2019
Digital process automation (RPA) using TagUI for Python - PyCon SG 2019
Ending Keynote - PyCon SG 2019
Faster Python apps with open source APM - PyCon SG 2019
Graylog : Centralized logging of Application Logs - PyCon SG 2019
How to build stream data pipeline with Apache Kafka and Spark Structured Streaming - PyCon SG 2019
How to train a wacky language model - PyCon SG 2019
Koalas: Pandas API on Apache Spark - PyCon SG 2019
Machine Learning Model Development and Operation in DBS - PyCon SG 2019
Opening Keynote - PyCon SG 2019
Python on AWS Lambda - PyCon SG 2019
Scaling product support with Python at WhatsApp - PyCon SG 2019
Stream Processing Fundamentals with Apache Beam - PyCon SG 2019
The curious case of slow/fast grequests code - PyCon SG 2019
Transfer Learning in Natural Language Processing (NLP) - PyCon SG 2019
Value Investing using Python and Panda - PyCon SG 2019
When life gives you Orange, make data speak volumes! - PyCon SG 2019
When Uncertainty Matters: Stochastic Programming for Inventory Model with Python - PyCon SG 2019
Charlas relámpago 2019-10-08
PyCon China 2019 上海闪电演讲
Lightning Talks, Day 3
1 编写安全的 Python 代码
1 基于 PyQt + QScintilla 的 IDE 对 RobotFramework 的 DSL 进行编程
1 Python 之路
1 Speed up File Transfers and File Copies in Python
10 Python 的 NLP 实战分享 如何实现合同风险预测模型
10 图算法你好:反欺诈应用介绍与实作
11 Python 与视效行业
11 一次关于 SQLAlchemy session 的项目排错经验分享
12 Python 与高中技术课程教学 以声音制造为例
2 Google SRE 体系核心基础解读
2 Python 在金融领域的商业应用及创新
2 Python与云 AWS的Python原生应用浅析
2 使用 Python 制作简单的家用Bot
3 从 Python 开始钱赚钱
3 Python3 的新特性和改进
3 Soft Skills For Software Developers
3 用 Python 实现文本信息的结构化信息提取
4 解放python的表达力,性能和安全性
4 人人都爱 DataFrame:Pandas 到 Mars 的进阶之路
4 一行代码加速科学计算
4 在30分钟内迁移 Python Web 应用到无服务器
5 Interactive Data Visualization With Dash
5 静态类型的 Python
5 数字货币交易系统架构和 Python 实现
5 用于 Linux 内核调试的 Python
6 基于 Flask 的 REST API 开发指南
6 Python 的智能问答之路
6 Python 语法扩展系统
6 云中起舞 —— Python 的人工智能开发在微软云中的应用
7 FPGA 助力 Python 加速计算
7 理解 Python AST
7 闪电演讲
7 用 MicroPython 触摸物理世界
8 FPGA 助力 Python 加速计算
8 Pipenv 和 Python 包管理
8 Python 助力 IoT 项目开发
9 类型检查拯救粗心开发者
9 闪电演讲
9 When Knowledge Graph meet Python
Lightning Talks, Day 2
Lightning Talks, Day 1
Day 1 Lightning Talk #1 - Write the Docs Prague 2019
Day 1 Lightning Talk #2 - Write the Docs Prague 2019
Day 1 Lightning Talk #3 - Write the Docs Prague 2019
Day 1 Lightning Talk #4 - Write the Docs Prague 2019
Day 1 Lightning Talk #5 - Write the Docs Prague 2019
Day 2 Lightning Talk #1 - Write the Docs Prague 2019
Day 2 Lightning Talk #2 - Write the Docs Prague 2019
Day 2 Lightning Talk #3 - Write the Docs Prague 2019
Day 2 Lightning Talk #4 - Write the Docs Prague 2019
Introduction to Write the Docs Prague 2019
PYCON UK 2019 : Introduction
PYCON UK 2019 - Monday Lightning talks
Zachary Sarah Corleissen - Found in Translation: Lessons from a Year of Open Source Localization
PYCON UK 2019 - Sunday Introduction
PYCON UK 2019 Sunday Lightning talks
PyCon UK 2019 Saturday Introduction
PYCON UK 2019 - Saturday Lightning talks
PyCon UK 2019 Friday Introduction
PyCon UK 2019 Friday Lightning talks
Clausura PyCon Latam 2019 - Equipo Organizador
Lightning Talks / Charlas Relámpago - PyCon Latam 2019
Bienvenida PyCon Latam 2019
Videomemoria PyCon Latam 2019
100억건의 카카오톡 데이터로 똑똑한 일상대화 인공지능 만들기 - 김준성 - PyCon.KR 2019
Adapting from Spark to Dask: what to expect - Vaibhav Srivastav - PyCon.KR 2019
Advanced Python testing techniques - 안재만 - PyCon.KR 2019
법률을 디버깅하다(Debugging law) - 김재윤 - PyCon.KR 2019
Build a Python IoT Image Classification solution - Dave Glover - PyCon.KR 2019
Click Click Boom! Bombs Over Our Minds - JunWei Song & KunYu Chen - PyCon.KR 2019
Closing - PyCon.KR 2019
Code review tips for Pythonistas - 新井 正貴 - PyCon.KR 2019
추천시스템, 이제는 돈이 되어야 한다. - 최규민 - PyCon.KR 2019
뚱뚱하고 굼뜬 판다스(Pandas)를 위한 효과적인 다이어트 전략 - 오성우 - PyCon.KR 2019
Django DB Router로 Database Read Replicas 100% 활용기 및 Troubleshooting 경험 공유 - 한종원 - PyCon.KR 2019
엔터프라이즈급 네트워크 운용 관리 - 고득녕 - PyCon.KR 2019
from banksalad import python - 황성현 - PyCon.KR 2019
게임(스플래툰2) 이벤트 알림 트위터 및 디스코드 봇 제작기 - 문현수 - PyCon.KR 2019
꼬마 모차르트가 되어보자(Feat. Magenta) - 김준우 - PyCon.KR 2019
고등학생이 직접 개발한 파이썬 프로젝트 사례 - 이준표 / 안우진 / 장민석 / 예두해 / 인상민 - PyCon.KR 2019
gRPC 와 python 을 활용한 Microservice 개발기 - 송지형 - PyCon.KR 2019
교육의 미래를 바꾸는 오늘의 파이써니스쿨 - 송석리 - PyCon.KR 2019
하이퍼커넥트 Azar WebView Logging - 이준영/용현택 - PyCon.KR 2019
하나의 Django 코드로 여러 사이트 운영하기 - 박종현 - PyCon.KR 2019
한국어 띄어쓰기 프로그램 도전기 - 최태균 - PyCon.KR 2019
How did i get here? - Pradyun Gedam - PyCon.KR 2019
정적 타입 검사로 더 나은 Python 코드 작성하기 - 이창희 - PyCon.KR 2019
집에서 만든 머신러닝 기반 자동번역기 (NO 딥러닝) - 이홍주 - PyCon.KR 2019
코알못 직장인의 파이썬-아래한글 도전기 - 신명진 - PyCon.KR 2019
MATLAB 사용자에서 Python 사용자로 거듭나기 - 조인태 - PyCon.KR 2019
머신러닝 및 데이터 과학 연구자를 위한 python 기반 컨테이너 분산처리 플랫폼 설계 및 개발 - 신정규 - PyCon.KR 2019
Multitasking 환경을 상대하기 위한 DB의 특성과 그런 DB를 상대하기 위한 Django - 문석환 - PyCon.KR 2019
오직 파이썬으로 이미지 인식 스피드런 - 최정현 - PyCon.KR 2019
OMG LIVE(無뜬금라이브): MONSTA X(몬스타엑스) _ DRAMARAMA(드라마라마)
온라인 뉴스 댓글은 정말 사람들의 목소리일까? - PART2 - 이준범 - PyCon.KR 2019
파이썬 3.7 어찌 그렇게 빨라졌나 - 정겨울 - PyCon.KR 2019
파이썬 웹서버 REST API 문서 쉽고 빠르게 작성하기 - 이용선 - PyCon.KR 2019
파이썬으로 구현하는 최적화 알고리즘 - 차지원 - PyCon.KR 2019
파이썬으로 해보는 화학실험 - 보일, 샤를의 법칙 - 신승우 - PyCon.KR 2019
파이썬으로 서버를 극한까지 끌어다 쓰기: Async I/O의 밑바닥 - 한섬기 - PyCon.KR 2019
파이썬과 함께라면 못 할 것은 없다 - 반병현 - PyCon.KR 2019
파이썬의 변수 (강한 타입, Immutable vs Mutable, Class vs Instance) - 조인석 - PyCon.KR 2019
Pickle & Custom Binary Serializer - 김영석 - PyCon.KR 2019
py2exe를 구현하는 기술과 원리 - 이정훈 - PyCon.KR 2019
PyCon Korea 2019 SwagBag Stuffing Timelaps
Python Daemonize: 파이썬으로 악마를 만들어보자 - 이수호 - PyCon.KR 2019
Python에서 DSL제작하기 - 하원호 - PyCon.KR 2019
Quantum Physics in Python: 파이썬으로 양자컴퓨팅 즐기기 - 최현수 - PyCon.KR 2019
라이트닝 토크 1일차 (토) - PyCon.KR 2019
라이트닝 토크 2일차 (일) - PyCon.KR 2019
Real-world asyncio - 김준기 - PyCon.KR 2019
Real world Graphene: lessons learned from building a GraphQL API - Marcin Gębala - PyCon.KR 2019
리얼월드 메타클래스 - 김성현 - PyCon.KR 2019
셀러리 핵심과 커스터마이제이션 - 이지훈 - PyCon.KR 2019
시간 복잡도로 살펴보는 파이썬 내장 자료형의 효율적인 활용 - 강대성 - PyCon.KR 2019
실시간 의료 인공지능 데이터 처리를 위한 Django Query Optimization - 윤소영 - PyCon.KR 2019
Takeaways from my 5-year volunteering journey in the Python community-Alysson Alvaran-PyCon.KR 2019
테스트에 걸리는 시간을 *92%* 줄이기 - 구영민 - PyCon.KR 2019
The Right Frameworks for the Right Time - Sean Ahn - PyCon.KR 2019
The State of Python - Carol Willing - PyCon.KR 2019
Conference Close
Sunday Lightning Talks
Saturday Lightning Talks
Day 2 SciPy Tools Plenary Session
Day 3 Lightning Talks
Day 3 SciPy Tools Plenary Session
Closing Session
Day 2 Lightning Talks
Sprint Orientation
Lightning Talks 2019-07-11
SciPy Tools Plenary Session
Opening Session
Recruiting Session
GeoPython 2019 (June 25) Track 1
GeoPython 2019 (June 26) Track 1
GeoPython 2019 (June 26) Track 2
GeoPython 2019 (June 26) Track 2-2
GeoPython 2019 (June 25) Track 2
Addressing class imbalance in Machine Learning - Sara Iris Garcia
Designing and Building Serverless Machine Learning-powered Applications with P... - Joshua Arvin Lat
How pyThaiNLP's thai2fit Outperforms Google's BERT: State-of-the-Art Thai Text Classific... - Charin
How We Start Building a Data-Informed Culture with Airflow (Replacement) - Kan Ouivirach
PyCon CZ Ostrava 2019 DAY 2 - BALLROOM - Live Stream
PyCon CZ Ostrava 2019 DAY 2 - CLUB - Live Stream
Pyladies and Importance of community participation - Lina Katayose(selina)
Security Issues on your Python Code - Harley Davidson Karel
Understanding and Implementing Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): O... - Anmol Krishan Sachdeva
Unlocking the power of natural language by machine translation: ho... - Mohamed Ali Sola (dali Sola)
PyCon CZ Ostrava 2019 DAY 1 - BALLROOM - Live Stream
PyCon CZ Ostrava 2019 DAY 1 - CLUB - Live Stream
Automated Testing for Prose - Katy Decorah Lightning Talk
Captioning the Docs - Vanessa Stanton - Behind the Scenes of Write the Docs
Documenting End of Life - Annie Bond Lightning Talk
Don't get RSI - Sandra Friesen Lightning Talk
Good SEO = Good Content Strategy - Carolyn Gronlund Lightning Talk
Subtle Issues with camelCase filenames - Carl Parker Lightning Talk
Harvest Past Experience to be a Great Tech Writer - Mark F Iverson
How I post conference videos the same day - Behind the Scenes
Lightning Talk: Comics in Docs - Tess Needham
Lightning Talk: Documenting the Documentarians - Kay Smoljak
Lightning Talk: How to host a doc bug bash - Lucie Lozinski
Lightning Talk: Influencing users to find answers in our docs - Grace Greenwood
Lightning Talk: To succeed as an internal writer... - Colin Torretta
Lightning Talk: Why you need peer reviews - Michael Khmelnitsky
Welcome - Write the Docs Portland 2019
Lightning Talks
PyConX Conference Goodbye
PyConX Conference Welcome and Introduction
Intro to SciPy Japan 2019: Scientific Python Conference
DjangoCon 2019 - Day 3 Lightning Talks
DjangoCon 2019 - Day 2 Lightning Talks
DjangoCon 2019 - Day 1 Lightning Talks
How PyLadies Brazil became the biggest PyLadies chapter of the world
Djangocon 2019 - Europe - Day 3
Djangocon 2019 - Europe - Day 2
Djangocon 2019 - Europe - Day 1
А что, если без Python? Julia для машинного обучения и вообще / Глеб Ивашкевич
Что делать, если ваш код на Python тормозит / Григорий Бакунов (Яндекс)
Micropython для квестов в реальности и аркадных игр / Никита Левонович (КВЕСТОДЕЛЫ)
Убивай мутантов, спаси свой код / Никита Соболев (wemake.services)
Укрощая зверя: legacy-код, тесты и вы / Кирилл Борисов (Booking.com)
Видеоотчет о Moscow Python Conf ++ 2019
PyCon SK 2019 - Aula Magna - Nedela
PyCon SK 2019 - Aula Magna - Sobota
PyCon SK 2019 - Aula Minor - Sobota
PyCon SK 2019 piatok - Aula Minor (Aula Minor)
Aftermovie 2019 - Pycon Colombia 2019
Andres Giraldo Carvajal - Interactive Data Visualization in Python - PyCon Colombia 2019
Carlos Miguel Patiño - Introduction to Generative Adversarial Networks - PyCon Colombia 2019
David Delgado Ruiz - Story of an junior engineer - PyCon Colombia 2019
Diego Camilo Peña - IOT and hardware interaction with Python - PyCon Colombia 2019
Eduardo Ismael Garcia - Creating a BlockChain with Python - PyCon Colombia 2019
Interview Benjamin Lewis - Keynote Speaker - PyCon Colombia 2019
Interview Carol Willing - Keynote Speaker - PyCon Colombia 2019
Interview Jake Vanderplass - Keynote Speaker - PyCon Colombia 2019
Interview Jessica Mckellar - Keynote Speaker - PyCon Colombia 2019
Interview Jorge Vergara - CTO at IBM Colombia - PyCon Colombia 2019
Interview Julián Amaya - CEO at Monoku - PyCon Colombia 2019
Interview Kian Katanforoosh - Keynote Speaker - PyCon Colombia 2019
Interview Ola Sendecka - Keynote Speaker - PyCon Colombia 2019
Interview Russel Keith Magee - Keynote Speaker - PyCon Colombia 2019
Javier Daza Comas - Creating succesfull tech communities - Pycon Colombia 2019
Johana Salinas Quintana - How to become a Data Science Superhero? - PyCon Colombia 2019
Jorge Luis Galvis - Going serverless with python - PyCon Colombia 2019
Juan Manuel Álvarez - Truth is always strange - Fuzzy logic in Python - PyCon Colombia 2019
Luis David Camacho - High Perfomance Pandas - PyCon Colombia 2019
PyCon Colombia 2019 promo
A developer amongst (data) journalists by Eléonore Mayola
Binding the Sea by Åke Forslund
Build your own event loop by Pradip Caulagi
Closing keynote by Adam Tornhill
Designing an intuitive framework for complex pipelines in PySpark by Sebastian Ånerud
Digging MUD in Python by Samuel Regandell
Gait phase recognition using machine learning algorithm with IMU sensors by Binbin Su
Mantra - A Deep Learning Development Kit by Ross Taylor
Opening keynote by Lorena Mesa - Now is better than Never...
PyCon Sweden 2018 - lightning talks part 1
PyCon Sweden 2018 - lightning talks part 2
PyCon Sweden 2018 - lightning talks part 3
PyCon Sweden 2018 opening by chairwoman Anna K. Lindegren
Charlas Rápidas. 2018-11-24 Sábado (Mañana)
Charlas Rápidas. 2018-11-24 Sábado (Tarde)
Charlas Rápidas. 2018-11-24 Viernes
Deploying Django App On AWS Lambda
Application of Recurrent Neural Networks to innovative drug design - Rafał A. Bachorz
Comixify: Turning videos into comics - Adam Svystun, Maciej Pęśko, Tomasz Trzcinski
Conference Opening Notes
Distributed deep learning and why you may not need it - Jakub Sanojca, Mikuláš Zelinka
In Browser AI - neural networks for everyone - Kamila Stepniowska, Piotr Migdał
Keynote - Stefania Druga - "Cognimates: Read, Write and Tinker with AI"
Learning to rank @ allegro.pl - Tomasz Bartczak, Ireneusz Gawlik
Predicting preterm birth with convolutional neural nets - Tomasz Włodarczyk, Szymon Płotka
Recognizing products from raw text descriptions using... - Tymoteusz Wołodźko, Tomasz Płomiński
Spammers vs. Data: My everyday fight - Juan De Dios Santos
The smart shopping basket: A Case Study with deep..- Marcin Stachowiak, Michal Dura, Piotr Szajowski
Beautiful, Interactive, and Portable Maps using Folium and Live API Data - Ariel M'ndange-Pfupfu
Dimensionally reducing data squeezing out the good stuff - Aabir Abubaker Kar
Graphs: Datastructures to Query - Benjamin Ortiz Ulloa
Keynote: The Business of Open Source - Travis E. Oliphant
Mining dockless bikeshare and dockless scootershare trip data - Stefanie Brodie, Kiana Roshan Zamir
Recreating, Understanding, and Visualizing FiveThirtyEight's... - Matthew Brems and Joseph Nelson
Scaling PyData with Dask - Martin Durant and Jim Crist
uarray - Efficient and Generic Array Computation - Travis E. Oliphant, Saul Shanabrook
Why do you have to make it so complicated? - James Powell, Brandon Burroughs, Daniel Allan
PyParis 2018 - Sponsor speech (Wifirst)
[ENG] Alexander Todorov: "How to write pylint plugins" / #PiterPy
[ENG] Аnton Shalimov: "Aviasales. A look under the hood. Tornado based search engine." / #PiterPy
[ENG] Artem Malyshev: "Readability matters" / #PiterPy
[ENG] Denis Kataev: "Python and binary data" / #PiterPy
[ENG] Dmitry Dygalo: "Testable code: making the (testing) world better" / #PiterPy
[ENG] Dmitry Karpov: "Real-time apps with Python. Tips and tricks" / #PiterPy
[ENG] Dmitry Nazarov: "EdgeDB workshop" / #PiterPy
[ENG] Jonas Obrist: "Artisanal Async Adventures" / #PiterPy
[ENG] Juan Luis Cano: "Catch that asteroid with poliastro!" / #PiterPy
[ENG] Konstantin Ignatov: "Python application monitoring: let's do it logging style" / #PiterPy
[ENG] Lena Volzhina: "How to combine physical models, ML and production performance" / #PiterPy
[ENG] Lynn Root: "asyncio in Practice: We Did It Wrong" / #PiterPy
[ENG] Michal Karzynski: "Developing elegant workflows with Apache Airflow" / #PiterPy
[ENG] Miroslav Šedivý: "A Day Has Only 24±1 Hours: import pytz" / #PiterPy
[ENG] Panel discussion: The Future of Python / #PiterPy
[ENG] Pascal van Kooten: "High-Frequency Cryptocurrency Trading using Asyncio" / #PiterPy
[ENG] Piotr Migdal: "Learning neural networks within Jupyter Notebook" / #PiterPy
[RUS] Alexander Todorov: "How to write pylint plugins" / #PiterPy
[RUS] Аnton Shalimov: "Aviasales. A look under the hood. Tornado based search engine." / #PiterPy
[RUS] Artem Malyshev: "Readability matters" / #PiterPy
[RUS] Denis Kataev: "Python and binary data" / #PiterPy
[RUS] Dmitry Dygalo: "Testable code: making the (testing) world better" / #PiterPy
[RUS] Dmitry Karpov: "Real-time apps with Python. Tips and tricks" / #PiterPy
[RUS] Dmitry Nazarov: "EdgeDB workshop" / #PiterPy
[RUS] Jonas Obrist: "Artisanal Async Adventures" / #PiterPy
[RUS] Juan Luis Cano: "Catch that asteroid with poliastro!" / #PiterPy
[RUS] Konstantin Ignatov: "Python application monitoring: let's do it logging style" / #PiterPy
[RUS] Lena Volzhina: "How to combine physical models, ML and production performance" / #PiterPy
[RUS] Lynn Root: "asyncio in Practice: We Did It Wrong" / #PiterPy
[RUS] Michal Karzynski: "Developing elegant workflows with Apache Airflow" / #PiterPy
[RUS] Miroslav Šedivý: "A Day Has Only 24±1 Hours: import pytz" / #PiterPy
[RUS] Panel discussion: The Future of Python / #PiterPy
[RUS] Pascal van Kooten: "High-Frequency Cryptocurrency Trading using Asyncio" / #PiterPy
[RUS] Piotr Migdal: "Learning neural networks within Jupyter Notebook" / #PiterPy
50 оттенков celery / Олег Чуркин (TechOps)
A Hacker's Guide to Securing Python Web Applications / Eyitemi Egbejule (NaijaSecForce)
Beyond jupyter / Андрей Попов (Positive Technologies)
Dark Python: Social engineering and hacking with 70% success rate / Lukas Hurych (Twisto.cz)
Django under microscope / Артем Малышев (Self Employed)
Эффективное использование Jupyter и PySpark на Hadoop / Павел Тарасов (ЦИАН)
High Performance Data Processing in Python / Donald Whyte (Engineers Gate)
Интерактивный и холиварный доклад про линтеры / Никита Соболев (wemake.services)
Как обновить Python 2.7 до Python 3.6 и не умереть / Александр Полищук (Код Безопасности)
Как учить людей программированию и радоваться жизни / Илья Лебедев (devman.org)
Как выкинуть из проекта C++ код, чтобы за это ничего не было / Александр Боргардт
Как защитить алгоритм машинного обучения от Adversarial-примеров / Сергей Дудоров (Digital Security)
Хорошие и плохие практики для написания тестируемого кода / Дмитрий Дыгало (kiwi.com)
Make Python fast again / Ефрем Матосян (Positive Technologies)
Мастер-класс "Эффективная Selenium-инфраструктура" / Иван Крутов (Aerokube)
Опыт использования Apache Kafka в World of Tanks / Левон Авакян (Wargaming)
Открытие Moscow Python Conf++ 2018
Pylint изнутри. Как он это делает / Максим Мазаев (ЦИАН)
Python Virtual Assistant, или Как собрать бота с AI на простом стеке / Олег Пличко
Распространенные ошибки в архитектуре Django-приложений / Алексей Половинкин (Agima)
Refactoring in Python: design patterns and approaches / Tin Marković (Kiwi.com)
Система ML-моделирования финансовых показателей / Олег Мангутов (Deloitte Analytics Insitute)
Создание DSL-компиляторов на Python / Пётр Советов (МИРЭА)
Theory of Neural Networks / Beau Carnes (freeCodeCamp.org)
Ускорение SQLAlchemy для архитектурных космонавтов / Алексей Старков (Qrator Labs)
Видеоотчет о Moscow Python Conf++ 2018
Wagtail: когда хочется чего-то приятнее, чем просто Django / Игорь Мосягин (Lamoda)
Запись трансляции Moscow Python Conf++ 2018. 22 окт, зал "Большой"
Запись трансляции Moscow Python Conf++ 2018. 22 окт, зал "Малый"
Запись трансляции Moscow Python Conf++ 2018. 23 окт, зал "Большой"
Запись трансляции Moscow Python Conf++ 2018. 23 окт, зал "Малый"
Запускаем Python-приложение в облака / Евгений Слезко (Marilyn)
PyData.tokyo One-day Conference 2018 Session1
PyData.tokyo One-day Conference 2018 Session2
PyData.tokyo One-day Conference 2018 Session3
PyData.tokyo One-day Conference 2018 Session4
PyData.tokyo One-day Conference 2018 Session5
PyData.tokyo One-day Conference 2018 Session6
PyData.tokyo One-day Conference 2018 Sponsor Session
Keynote - Painel sobre dados abertos e tecnologias cívicas
2nd Keynote by Sidu Ponnapa
3rd Keynote By Travis Oliphant
4th Keynote by Carol Willing
Adventures in iterations By Vikrant Patil
Alexa enabled smart home programming with Python By Sonal Raj
Amazing world of animation - powered by python By Sreenivas Alapati
AQR Quant De-Mystified By Navraj Bhardwaj
Automating testbed experiments, data collection and visualization with Python By Sunit Kumar Nandi
Bayesian A/B testing using Python By Vaibhav Pawar
Building better Python microservices using GRPC By Narendran R
Cleaning data with Python By Anand S
Creating 3rd generation Web APIs using Hydra and Hydrus By Akshay Dahiya
Deploying a Python web app onto a Kubernetes Cluster By Tarun Pothulapati
Django on day 500 By Amit Singh Sethi
Executing scripts in a few milliseconds with MicroPython By Marwan Al-Sabbagh
Experience with Python type hints By Kracekumar Ramaraju
FOSSASIA Community Talk By Mario Behling
Handling DASH streams - Generation, Consumption & Clipping By Arnav
How Helpshift built machine learning platform using Python at large scale By Shyam Shinde
Inside the World's Largest Python Course on Coursera By Charles Severance
Language Model (Text Analysis) using Python from scratch By Divya Choudhary
Large scale web crawling using Python By Anand B Pillai and Noufal Ibrahim
Learn Guitar Via Python Programming (MIDI Parsing) By Rishabh Shah and Srinivas Kalyani
[Lightning Talk] At the eye of the flood by Biswaz
Lightning Talk by DBS
Lightning Talk by Enfa Rose George
Lightning Talk by Marc Garcia
Lightning Talk by Yuktesh Chintamadaka (IBM)
[Lightning Talk] Climbing the Minesweeper Leaderboards by Samarth Hattangady
[Lightning Talk] Cool features of Python 3.7 by Jaysinh Shukla
[Lightning Talk] EEG Controlled Rover - A Brain-Computer Interface by Prajwal and Venkatesh
[Lightning Talk] Failure of the Tests
[Lightning Talk] i-Tagger by Pramati
[Lightning Talk] Machine Learning and AI for the Greater Good by Praveen Pankajakshan (Corteva)
[Lightning Talk] Micropython - Python for embedded Systems by Kalpit Champanery
[Lightning Talk] Python: Batteries Included. Now Bulletproof too by Soroco
[Lightning Talk] Smart Drowsiness Detection System using Deep Learning by Sai Amrit Patnaik
[Lightning Talk] Using ChainMaps to simplify CLI argument parsing by Govind
[Lightning Talk] Using Regular Expressions for parsing Indian Addresses by Yash Chilgupakar
[Lightning Talks] Leveraging Communities by Lakshya Sivaramakrishnan
Managing flood risk in this modern age By Arijit Saha and Atul Singh
Metaclasses and decorators: a match made in space By Ishan Srivastava
Optimizations in Web Development by Megha Sharma
Processing videos effectively By R S Nikhil Krishna and Lokesh Kumar T
PyCon India 2018 Opening Video by Ramesht Shukla
Pyflyby: Automatic imports for Python By Karl Chen
Python Project Workflows - Continuous Deployment Friendly By Abhijit Gadgil
Satellite Image Processing with Python By Shubham Sharma
Speed up your Python modules using Rust By Abhiram Ravikumar
Testing micro-services made easy By Devi A S L
The Growth of the Python Community in Africa By Marlene Mhangami
Understanding Caching in Python By Chirag Shah
Using Jupyter to Empower the Less Technical By Marc Udoff and Sriram Nagarajan
Using NLP to demystify 'Terms and Conditions' and summarize the contents By Aroma Rodrigues
Vote of Thanks - PyCon Team
What you need to know about data classes in Python 3.7 By Sasidhar Donaparthi
Agata Skamruk & team - Thanks to sponsors and partners
Łucja Świetlińska i Dagmara Korusiewicz - Dlaczego Scrum nie działa - PyCode Conference 2018
Merixstudio - rozstrzygnięcie konkursu - PyCode Conference 2018
Pascal van Kooten - High-Frequency Cryptocurrency Trading using Asyncio - PyCode Conference 2018
01-204_From Data to Web Application: Anime Character Image Recognition with...(Iskandar Setiadi)
01-205_Django を Zappaで構築してServerless Python のベストプラクティスを探る(向山 裕介/Yusuke Mukoyama)
01-206_Day2_Lightning Talk~Closing
02-204_1次元畳み込みフィルターを利用した音楽データのオートエンコーダ(新倉 涼太)
03-205_料理写真が美味しく撮れる! 開発現場から覗くAI料理カメラの裏側(森永雄也)
04-205_Pythonで始めるウェブスクレイピング実践入門(田中 慎太郎)
05-203_Python研修の作り方-Teaching Is Learning-(Yusuke Nishio)
05-204_Pythonで「お絵描きパズル」を解いてみた。(小栗 潤一)
06-204_Python, AWS and FinTech(Pavlos Christoforou)
07-204_C拡張と共に乗り切るPython 2→3移行術(末田卓巳)
07-205_AltJSとしてのPython - フロントエンドをPythonで書こう(長谷場 潤也)
01-101_実践・競馬データサイエンス(貫井 駿)
01-103_Pythonで時系列のデータを分析してみよう(Tatsuya Kobayashi)
01-104_Pythonistaの選球眼(せんきゅうがん) - エンジニアリングと野球の目利きになる技術(Shinichi NAKAGAWA(野球エンジニア))
01-105_Day1_Lightning Talk~Closing
01-201_Integrate Full-text Search service with Django(池内 孝啓 / Takahiro Ethan Ikeuchi)
01-202_JVM上で動くPython3処理系cafebabepyの実装詳解(澁谷 典明/Yoshiaki Shibutani)
01-203_複数アプリケーションのプロセスとログを管理するための新しいツールと手法(谷津真樹/Masaki Yatsu)
02-101_Why you should care about types: Python Typing in the Facebook Backend(Luka Sterbic)
02-102_オンザフライ高速化パッケージの比較:Numba, TensorFlow, Dask, etc(Yukio Okuda)
02-103_Fun with Python and Kanji(Michael Penkov)
02-104_Introduce syntax and history of Python from 2.4 to 3.7(Manabu TERADA)
02-201_Migrating from Py2 application to Py3: first trial in MonotaRO / Python2 から Python3 へ...(増田泰)
02-202_Sphinx-2.0 とドキュメントの未来(Takeshi KOMIYA)
02-203_Make a Drone using RaspberryPi and Google VoiceKit by Python(片寄 里菜 / Lina Katayose)
03-101_Applying serverless architecture pattern to distributed data processing(Denys Makogon)
03-102_Django REST Framework におけるAPI実装プラクティス(芝田 将)
03-103_The Modern OAuth 2.0(Hsiaoming Yang)
03-104_Rust と Python(Hideo Hattori)
03-201_SymPyによる数式処理(Hayao Suzuki)
03-202_Djangoだってカンバンつくれるもん(Django Channels + Vue)_(denzow)
04-101_Day1_Opening~Keynote_Argentina in Python: community, dreams,...(Kaufmann Manuel)
04-102_招待講演_東大松尾研流 実践的AI人材育成法(中山 浩太郎)
04-104_Webアプリケーションの仕組み(Takayuki Shimizukawa)
04-105_あなたと私いますぐパッケージン(Atsushi Odagiri)
04-107_Pythonで解く大学入試数学(新井 正貴)
04-201_Day2_Keynote_「Pythonでやってみた」:広がるプログラミングの愉しみ(磯 蘭水)
04-202_niconicoにおけるコンテンツレコメンドの取り組み(大元 司)
04-203_Djangoアプリケーションにおけるトイル撲滅戦記(Yasuaki Matsuda)
04-204_Artisanal Async Adventures(Jonas Obrist)
06-101_DjangoではじめるPyCharm実践入門(Kashun Yoshida)
06-103_Interactive Network Visualization using Python 〜 NetworkX + BokehでPEPの参照関係を...(Tomoko Furuki)
06-202_REST API に疲れたあなたへ贈る GraphQL 入門(Tsukagoshi Keisuke)
06-203_WILDCAT SDKは量子コンピュータビジネスの味方となるのか!?(あべんべん)
07-101_PyCon JP における子ども向けワークショップの活動事例と実施の意義(Daisuke Saito)
07-102_Interpretable Machine Learning, making black box models explainable with Python!(David Low)
07-103_メルカリにおける AI 活用事例(千葉 竜介)
07-104_自分が欲しいものをPythonで書く方法(Python for Myself)(杉山 剛)
07-201_HomeSecurity with Python(Yuki Takino)
07-203_Notebook as Web API: Turn your notebook into Web API(横石和貴)
EuroSciPy 2018 SESSION Track 2 - Afternoon (Part 2) 31 08 2018
EuroSciPy 2018 SESSION TRACK 2 MORNING 31 08 2018
Friday 31 August - Track 1 - Afternoon (Part 1)
Friday 31 August - Track 1 - Afternoon (Part 2)
Friday 31 August - Track 1 - Morning
EuroSciPy 2018 SESSION TRACK 2 AFTERNOON PART 2 30 08 2018
EuroSciPy 2018 SESSION TRACK 2 AFTERNOON PART 30 08 2018
EuroSciPy 2018 SESSION TRACK 2 MORNING 30 08 2018
Thursday 30 August - KEYNOTE - How to drive business decisions with AI
Thursday 30 August - Track 1 - Afternoon (Part 1)
Thursday 30 August - Track 1 - Afternoon (Part 2)
Thursday 30 August - Track 1 - Morning
Deep Diving into GANs: From Theory to Production Michele De Simoni, Paolo Galeone 29 08 2018
Deep Learning in Python using Chainer, C. Loomis 29 08 2018
EuroSciPy Advanced Session - CFFI, Ctypes, Cython: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
EuroSciPy Advanced Session - Data visualization: from default to efficient
EuroSciPy Advanced Session - Parallel Data Analysis with Dask
EuroSciPy Advanced Session - The Hitchhiker's Guide to Parallelism with Python
EuroSciPy Applications Session Advanced machine learning, Y. Peleg 29 08 2018
EuroSciPy Applications Session Advanced Understanding and diagnosing your machine-learning29 08 2018
EuroSciPy 2017: Advanced Pandas
EuroSciPy 2017: AMfe - Finite Elements for Structural Dynamics with Simplicity in Mind
EuroSciPy 2017: Arcas - Using Python to access open research literature
EuroSciPy 2017: Autoscaling distributed compute with Dask, Kubernetes and AWS
EuroSciPy 2017: AutoWIG: Wrapping very large C++ libraries in Python automatically
EuroSciPy 2017: Bayesian Optimization - Can you do better than randomly guessing parameters?
EuroSciPy 2017: Cython
EuroSciPy 2017: Deep Learning for Fraud Detection
EuroSciPy 2017: fastmat - A simple Package for Fast Linear Transforms
EuroSciPy 2017: FluRS - A Library for Streaming Recommendation Algorithms
EuroSciPy 2017: Fully Convolutional Networks for Image Segmentation
EuroSciPy 2017: GeoPandas - geospatial data in Python made easy
EuroSciPy 2017: Getting the hang of WASM
EuroSciPy 2017: Git
EuroSciPy 2017: Handshakes, Citizen Science and Evolution
EuroSciPy 2017: Interactive 3D Visualization in Jupyter Notebooks
EuroSciPy 2017: Introduction into the ppci project
EuroSciPy 2017: Keras
EuroSciPy 2017: Keynote: How to Fix a Scientific Culture: Psychology as a Cautionary Tale
EuroSciPy 2017: Keynote: PyTorch: Framework for fast, dynamic deep learning and scientific computing
EuroSciPy 2017: Leverage knowledge from under-represented classes in machine learning
EuroSciPy 2017: Lightning Talks
EuroSciPy 2017: Matplotlib
EuroSciPy 2017: nbval - Testing your notebooks
EuroSciPy 2017: NetworkX
EuroSciPy 2017: NumPy (1/2)
EuroSciPy 2017: NumPy (2/2)
EuroSciPy 2017: Pandas
EuroSciPy 2017: Poster Introductions
EuroSciPy 2017: Pyrate - Optical Raytracing Based on Python
EuroSciPy 2017: Python (1/2)
EuroSciPy 2017: Python (2/2)
EuroSciPy 2017: Real-time Crowd-sourced Detection of Earthquakes
EuroSciPy 2017: Scikit-image
EuroSciPy 2017: Scikit-learn (1/2)
EuroSciPy 2017: Scikit-learn (2/2)
EuroSciPy 2017: SciPy
EuroSciPy 2017: Simphony-Remote - Accessing containerized desktop and web apps with a browser
EuroSciPy 2017: SymPy
EuroSciPy 2017: Testing the unknown: how to test scientific codes
EuroSciPy 2017: The OpenTURNS uncertainty quantification Python module
EuroSciPy 2017: Tricks for Efficient Multicore Computing
EuroSciPy 2017: Working with Audio Data in Python
EuroSciPy Advanced Session
EuroSciPy Advanced Session - A tour of Python profiling and optimization
EuroSciPy Advanced Session - Privacy for Data Scientists
EuroSciPy Applications Session
EuroSciPy Applications Session Handling Geospatial Data using Python, Part II
Friday 31 August - KEYNOTE - Python in medicine: processing, learning and visualization of data
Live stream di EuroSciPy Session 1
Live stream di EuroSciPy Session 1b
Live stream EusoSciPy2018 session 2
Live stream EusoSciPy2018 session 2b
Conference Close
Democratizing Data Tracy Teal (The Carpentries)
Disease Prediction Using the World's Largest Clinical Lab Dataset Cristian Capdevila (Prognos)
The Reporter's Notebook - Mark Hansen (Columbia Journalism School)
Why Contribute to Open Source? - Julia Meinweld (Two Sigma Investments)
Beyond Interactive: Scaling Impact with Notebooks at Netflix - Michelle Ufford (Netflix)
Binder: Lowering the bar to sharing interactive software- Tim Head (Wild Tree Tech)
Business Summit roundtable: The current environment
Canadians land on Jupyter - Ian Allison, James Colliander
Charles Smith (Netflix) interviewed at JupyterCon NY 2018
Containerizing notebooks for serverless execution (sponsored by AWS)
Current RISE capabilities and its evolution into the future- Damián Avila (Anaconda, Inc.)
Dan Mbanga (AWS) interviewed at JupyterCon NY 2018
Data Science as a Catalyst for Scientific Discovery Michelle Gill, Ph.D. (BenevolentAI)
Data science in US and Canadian higher education- Laura Noren (Obsidian Security)
Designing for interaction- Scott Sanderson (Quantopian)
Enterprise usage of Jupyter: The business case and best practices for leveraging open source
Explorations in reproducible analysis with Nodebook- Kevin Zielnicki (Stitch Fix)
Flipped learning with Jupyter: Experiences, best practices, and supporting research
GenePattern Notebook: Jupyter beyond the programmer
Going native: C++ as a first-class citizen of the Jupyter ecosystem
How JupyterLab and widgets enable interactive analysis of the Earth's past, present, and future
I don't like notebooks.- Joel Grus (Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence)
"If the data will not come to the astronomer. . ." - Adam Thornton (LSST)
Jupyter for every high schooler- Rob Newton (Trinity School)
Jupyter & Gravitational Waves - Will Farr (Stony Brook University)
Jupyter in the Enterprise - Luciano Resende (IBM Watson)
Jupyter Notebooks and the Intersection of Data Science - David Schaaf (Capital One)
Jupyter Trends in 2018 - Paco Nathan (derwen.ai)
JupyterLab and Plotly: A data visualization power couple- Lindsay Richman (McKinsey & Co.)
JupyterLab- Ian Rose (UC Berkeley), Chris Colbert (Project Jupyter)
Jupyter's configuration system
Keynote by Dan Romuald Mbanga (Amazon Web Services)
Learn by doing: Using data-driven stories and visualizations in the classroom
Making beautiful objects with Jupyter- M Pacer (Netflix)
nbinteract: Shareable interactive web pages from notebooks
Notebooks at Netflix: From analytics to engineering- Michelle Ufford (Netflix)
Open source software and the allocation of capital- Matt Greenwood (Two Sigma Investments)
Paul Ivanov (Bloomberg) interviewed at JupyterCon NY 2018
PayPal Notebooks: Data science and machine learning at scale, powered by Jupyter
Real-time collaboration with Jupyter notebooks using CoCalc- William Stein (SageMath, Inc)
Reproducible data dependencies for Jupyter - Jackson Brown, Aneesh Karve
Reproducible education: What teaching can learn from open science practices
Reproducible quantum chemistry in JupyterLab - Chris Harris (Kitware)
Reproducible science with the Renku platform- Sandra Savchenko-de Jong (Swiss Data Science Center)
Scaling notebooks for deep learning workloads - Luciano Resende (IBM Watson)
Scheduled notebooks: A means for manageable and traceable code execution- Matthew Seal (Netflix)
SoS: A polyglot notebook and workflow system...- Bo Peng (The University of Texas)
Supporting reproducibility in Jupyter through dataflow notebooks
Sustaining Wonder: Jupyter and the Knowledge Commons - Carol Willing (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo)
SWAN: CERN's Jupyter-based interactive data analysis service - Diogo Castro (CERN)
Terraforming Jupyter: Changing JupyterLab to suit your needs
The Emacs Ipython Notebook- John Miller (Honeywell UOP)
The Future of Data-driven Discovery in the Cloud - Ryan Abernathey (Columbia University)
The journey to Julia 1.0: The "Ju" in Jupyter
The Jupyter Notebook as a transparent way to document machine learning model development
The reincarnation of a notebook- Tony Fast (Ronin), Nick Bollweg (Georgia Tech Research Institute)
Using Jupyter notebooks in highly regulated environments
Using Jupyter to Empower Enterprise Analysts - Dave Stuart (Department of Defense)
Using the MapD kernel for the Jupyter Notebook- Randy Zwitch (MapD)
Visualizing high-dimensional biological data with Clustergrammer-Widget in the Jupyter Notebook
Visualizing machine learning models in the Jupyter Notebook- Chakri Cherukuri (Bloomberg LP)
What things are correlated with gender diversity: A dig through the ASF and Jupyter projects
When Jupyter Becomes Pervasive at a University? Fernando Perez (UC Berkeley)
2to3 converter를 활용한 django 프로젝트 python 버전업 삽질기 - 남형걸
3D 그래픽 그 안에서의 Python - 하호준
40만명이 쓰는 Django channels 채팅서버 우리는 어떻게 만들었나? - 손은주
법률 네트워크 분석: 30년간의 변화 Changes in legal citation network over 30 years - 김재윤
비 개발자에게 파이썬 가르치기 - 문석환
Callosum: An RPC Tranport Library - 김준기
추천 시스템을 위한 어플리케이션 서버 개발 후기 @ kakao - 김광섭
땀내를 줄이는 Data와 Feature 다루기 - 박조은
Deep Dive into Coroutine - 김대희
드론 및 인공위성 영상을 이용한 태양광발전소 입지분석 - 최재현
딥러닝을 이용한 로그 기반의 게임 AI 개발 - 김선태
Dive Into 파이써니스쿨 - 2020년, 만약 모든 과목 선생님들이 파이썬을 배운다면? - 송석리
Django ORM 조금 더 깊게 살펴보기 - 한섬기
동물 홍채인식부터 서버까지 python으로 만들기 - 정진성
GDB와 strace로 Hang 걸린 Python Process 원격 디버깅 - 구영민
그렇게 커미터가 된다: Python을 통해 오픈소스 생태계 가르치기 - 신정규
'그리고 물고기는 고마웠어요' - 김무성
학습하는 조직과 파이썬: 뱅크샐러드 사례를 중심으로 - 황성현(hwangsunghyun)
하이퍼커넥트에서 자동 광고 성과 측정 시스템 구축하기 - 박승호, 정강식
일반적인 케이스까지 포함한 파이썬을 이용한 의료 물리학 모델링 및 분석의 이해 - 최경돈
이무기: 파이썬으로 만드는 컴파일러 - 이한
인공지능 슈퍼마리오의 거의 모든것 - 정원석
인생은 짧아요 엑셀 대신 파이썬 - 이승준
작은 오픈 소스 3년 운영기 - 박아윤
진실은 언제나 하나! : Python으로 만나보는 Digital Forensic - 김동현
Luigi로 Data Pipeline system 구현하기 - 송은우
나도 할 수 있다 오픈 소스! — setup.py에서 PyPI까지 - 강효준
내가 배우는 이유, 내가 배우는 방법 - 송영숙
나누고 나누기: 파이썬으로 코드 리팩토링하기 - Niño R. Eclarin
네코유메: 파이썬으로 만든 블록체인 기반 롤플레잉 게임 - 김재석
Opening and Diamond Sponsor's Remarks at House Canary Room
파이썬에 switch문 넣기 : 새 구문을 만들면서 배우는 파이썬 내부 - 성우경
파이썬에서 함수형으로 프로그래밍하기 - 하원호
파이썬으로 암을 찾아보자: 데이터로 만드는 의학 이야기 - 백승욱
파이썬으로 학생 들여다보기 - 박윤곤
파이썬으로 네트워크 장비 테스트 자동화 하기 - 구동수
PyQt로 만드는 웹기반 데스크탑 어플리케이션 - 임덕규
Python으로 구현한 모바일 로봇 지능 - 하규태
Python으로 나만의 IoT 구축하기 - 박상우
Pythonic code가 과연 효율적일까? - 안주은
Quantify myself - self 사생활침해 - 이승훈
Raffle, Final Remarks and Conference Close
[라이트닝 토크] 도도 파이터 소개 - 박준규
[라이트닝 토크] 컴퓨터 책 빨리 읽고 중고로 팔아버리기 - 김현지
[라이트닝 토크] Let's 문자통역 - 오시영(Siyoung Oh)
[라이트닝 토크] Meet Women Who Code Seoul - 이효은
[라이트닝 토크] multitasking with async - 곽재형(Jaehyung Kwak)
[라이트닝 토크] mypy 적용기 - 김민준
[라이트닝 토크] 파이썬으로 파이콘하기 - 박현우
[라이트닝 토크] 파이썬으로 토이프로젝트 만들기 - 권태관
[라이트닝 토크] 프로세서 구조로 보는 컴퓨터 역사 - 나승채
[라이트닝 토크] PyCon Diversity - 배권한(Kwonhan Bae)
[라이트닝 토크] PyCon US 2018 후기 - 조성수(Seongsoo Cho)
[라이트닝 토크] Python으로 LibreOffice의 한자(漢字) 공헌(貢獻 Contribution) - 성대현(Daehyun Sung)
[라이트닝 토크] Python으로 옮겨보자! 초급 C프로그램의 감성 - 윤성수(Seongsu Yoon)
[라이트닝 토크] Reinforcement Learning_A3C and RNN - 황현석
[라이트닝 토크] Selenium과 IE Driver로 만드는 커피 한 잔의 여유 - 조현진
[라이트닝 토크] 왜 나는 크립토에 현타가 왔는가? - 박진형
Ready,Get Set, Go! - 김영근
레거시 시스템에 Django 들이밀기 - 정지용(Jiyong Jung)
Ring: 프로그래밍 언어와 가까운 캐시 인터페이스 - 정윤원(Jeong Yunwon)
생활탐사: 파이썬으로 일상에 도움 되는 뉴스 만들기 - 강종구
Sanic를 활용하여 Microservice 구축하기 - 이재면
소설 쓰는 딥 러닝 - 조용래
SW 의무교육 시대에서 살아남기 - 학생이 바라보는 교육자 - 박성우
Topic Modeling & Word Embedding 그리고 화장품 - 이홍주
우아하게 준비하는 테스트와 리팩토링 - 한성민
PyData 2018 - Day 2 - Hall 1
PyData 2018 - Day 2 - Hall 2
PyData 2018 - Hall 1
PyData 2018 - Hall 2
EuroPython 2018 - Closing
EuroPython 2018 - Lightning talks on Friday, July 27
EuroPython 2018 - Sprint Orientation
EuroPython 2018 - Lightning talks on Thursday, July 26
Keystone Sponsor Talk - Why Python is at the heart of Smarkets
EuroPython 2018 - Lightning talks on Wednesday, July 25
EuroPython 2018 - Opening Session
Sarah Diot Girard - Trust me, I'm a Data Scientist - ethics for builders of data based applications
Адиль Хаштамов, Playrix «ETL инструменты в экосистеме Python»
Александр Артёменко, Яндекс «Макросы для Питониста»
Александр Хаёров, Chainstack «Прощай, Virtual Environments?»
Александр Кошелев, Яндекс «Сборка Docker образов без build зависимостей»
Алексей Кузьмин, ДомКлик «Поиск и оптимизация узких мест в Python»
Андрей Власовских, JetBrains «Что будет в Python 3.8 и чего не будет»
Антон Брагин, JetBrains «Jupyter Notebooks — There is a Better Way»
Антон Патрушев, Spherical «Python&Rust: вместе веселей»
Артем Королев, Тимур Кадыров «Создание индустриальных датасетов для задач глубокого обучения»
Борис Цема, Wargaming.net «Как мы уменьшили сложность наших проектов»
Денис Катаев, Tinkoff.ru «Пишем приложения на SQLAlchemy»
Дмитрий Ходаков, Avito «CPU bound задачи в веб-сервисах на Python»
Дмитрий Орлов, Едадил «Асинхронный драйвер к RabbitMQ от автора»
Глеб Ивашкевич, datarythmics «Julia, Python и машинное обучение»
Григорий Бакунов, Яндекс «О странностях и import'e»
Иван Цыганов, Positive Technologies «(Без)опасные зависимости»
Кирилл Борисов, Booking.com «Слишком умная квартира: IoT + Python + все остальное»
Конференция PyCon Russia 2018
Конференция PYCON RUSSIA 2019
Lightning Talks
Максим Мазаев, ЦИАН «Проверка типов в большом проекте»
Michael Foord, Python core developer «Process Engineering: A Golden Age for Software Engineering»
Michael Foord, Python core developer, воркшоп «The Python Object Model»
Никита Гришко, Flo Health Inc «Evolution of dependency management»
Никита Левонович, Квестоделы «Micropython для аркадных игр и квестов в реальности»
Николай Марков, Aligned Research, мастер-класс «Как упаковать питонопроект, чтобы не было стыдно»
Raymond Hettinger «Build powerful, new data structures with Python's abstract base classes»
Ришат Ибрагимов, Яндекс «Квантовое программирование на Python: учимся на примерах»
Сергей Борисов, ДомКлик, мастер-класс «Тестирование асинхронных приложений»
Станислав Кириллов, CatBoost «CatBoost и Python»
Travis Oliphant «Brief review of Array computing in Python, where it is heading, and why it matters»
Василий Литвинов, Intel «Profiling Python and C for fun and profit, or Pandas, go fast!»
Владислав Блинов, Tinkoff.ru «Как написать чат-бота, если нет времени получать PhD?»
Злата Обуховская, Nvidia «Structured Concurrency. Что не так с асинхронностью в питоне?»
Adopting Python Asyncio in Large Scale Project (Instagram) – Jimmy Lai – PyCon Taiwan 2018
初學者聯盟 The Beginners:超級英雄也是從初心者練起 – TsungWei Hu – PyCon Taiwan 2018
Communication strategies beyond the Basic Multilingual Plane – Katie McLaughlin – PyCon Taiwan 2018
Concurrency vs Parallelism
從螢幕閱讀程式—NVDA—探討資訊輔助科技與使用者介面可及性發展 – 曾奕勳 – PyCon Taiwan 2018
Crossing the Python 3 Rubicon – Claudiu Popa – PyCon Taiwan 2018
Deep Dive into Smart Contracts and Blockchains – Anand Sai, Aditthya R. – PyCon Taiwan 2018
Deep Learning for NLP: PyTorch vs Tensorflow – Elvis Saravia – PyCon Taiwan 2018
洞見驅動創新:利用 Keras,打造遊戲直播精彩剪輯 – 古宣佑 Hsuanyu – PyCon Taiwan 2018
Easy Way to Build a Real-Time Async Web with Django Channels – Yi-Chieh Chen – PyCon Taiwan 2018
Educational Code Reviews – 廖偉涵 Adrian Liaw – PyCon Taiwan 2018
from ai.backend import python – 曾君宇 – PyCon Taiwan 2018
該怎麼樣(認真的)部署你的 Python Web 應用程式? – Andy Dai – PyCon Taiwan 2018
Java-Jersey 到 Python-Flask 服務不中斷重構之旅 – Max Lai – PyCon Taiwan 2018
Lightning Talks and Closing – PyCon Taiwan 2018
MongoEngine Inside: The Detail of MongoDB & MongoEngine – 郭學聰 (Hsueh-Tsung Kuo) – PyCon Taiwan 2018
Opening – PyCon Taiwan 2018
PyCon Taiwan 2018 紀錄片
Python 工業 4.0—自造工廠監控系統 – Malo – PyCon Taiwan 2018
Python in Taiwan Photon Source: Motion Control, Data Logger and Chatbot – 林育正 – PyCon Taiwan 2018
Python 實作運彩下注策略 – 陳建安、廖子慶 – PyCon Taiwan 2018
人工智慧民主化在台灣 – 陳昇瑋 – PyCon Taiwan 2018
Smart Things + Home Assistant: Build Your Own Smart Home – Shuhsi Lin – PyCon Taiwan 2018
土炮一個 Line 股票機器人 – Victor Gau、沈弘哲、Malo – PyCon Taiwan 2018
Using Tensorflow on Stellar Classification – Poshih Chiang – PyCon Taiwan 2018
往 MVC GUI 設計邁進—Tkouter—支援 HTML-based Layout 的 Tkinter 擴充函式庫 – 袁克倫 – PyCon Taiwan 2018
維基教我做的金頭腦:知識圖譜製作初體驗 – 張泰瑋 – PyCon Taiwan 2018
小鴨城 (Duckietown),一個基於 Raspberry Pi 和 ROS 的開源無人小車專案介紹 – sosorry – PyCon Taiwan 2018
心靈遊戲: 利用 Python 探索直覺物理 – Jiawei Chen – PyCon Taiwan 2018
以 Astroquery 套件擷取線上天文觀測資料 – 蘇羿豪 – PyCon Taiwan 2018
用 Python 來玩粒子物理實驗吧 – 黃坤賢 – PyCon Taiwan 2018
輿論分析量測電視劇觀看喜好的風向 Public Opinion Monitoring for TV Series – 魏聖倫 Kevin Wei – PyCon Taiwan 2018
這樣的開發環境沒問題嗎? – Tzu-ping Chung – PyCon Taiwan 2018
自製高擴充性機器學習系統 – 徐愷、曾譯平 – PyCon Taiwan 2018
PyCon 9 - Lightning Talks
PyCon Italia 9 - An Italian dark vintage story
PyCon Italia 9 Goodbye and Closing
PyCon Italia 9 Welcome
Pycon Italia meets Concordia
[PySE 2018] API Star: novo framework REST do criador do DRF
[PySE 2018] Arquitetura de projetos Flask
[PySE 2018] Arquitetura do OpenEDX
[PySE 2018] Bot Command - Automatizando tarefas utilizando Python + Django + Telegram!
[PySe 2018] Cadê o paradigma? Teoria a serviço de Python na prática
[PySE 2018] CherryPy - um framework simples, sólido e eficiente
[PySE 2018] CI/CD - Automatizando a entrega da sua aplicação
[PySE 2018] Como convencer a empresa que a tecnologia "legada" necessita ser migrada para Python
[PySE 2018] Criando aplicações descentralizadas com Python!
[PySE 2018] Deep NLP - Redes neurais revolucionando o processamento de linguagem natural
[PySE 2018] Design e Desenvolvimento (Comunicação e Integração)
[PySE 2018] Encerramento
[PySE 2018] Event Sourcing em Python
[PySE 2018] Eventos extremos, rejeição e a cura do salário baixo
[PySE 2018] Fazendo Música com Sonic Pi
[PySE 2018] Flora do Campus: identificação e mapeamento das árvores do Campus da UNESP de Rio Claro
[PySE 2018] GUIs em Python para o seu acelerador de partículas (Projeto Sirius)
[PySE 2018] Hackeando o setor público com Python
[PySE 2018] Introdução a algoritmos genéticos
[PySE 2018] Jornalismo de Dados: Programando a Democracia no Brasil
[PySE 2018] Jujubot: Implementando um twitter bot da Vovó Juju
[PySE 2018] Máquinas de estado em Python
[PySE 2018] Mas cadê as oportunidades Python?
[PySE 2018] Modelagem de Séries Temporais com Python
[PySE 2018] NES Hacks 2 - The Mission
[PySE 2018] Por que Python é a linguagem que todos querem aprender?
[PySE 2018] Programando a Felicidade
[PySE 2018] Pytest + Docker: um jeito fácil de ter testes de integração
[PySE 2018] Python Birds: Aprenda Orientação a Objetos implementando o jogo Angry Birds
[PySE 2018] Python Web Frameworks - Quais são e como escolher!
[PySE 2018] Scrapy para usuários de bs4
[PySE 2018] Weppy - O framework web para humanos
[PySE 2018][Keynote] Vida Freela: como decolar com a sua carreira de dev freelancer
[PySE2018] Automatize seus fluxos de trabalho com Airflow
[PySE2018] De olho no Congresso com Python e Dados Abertos
[PySE2018] Django Rest Framework - Criando APIs Rest com 3 linhas de código
[PySE2018] Entendendo um problema silencioso de saúde pública no Brasil e no mundo, o Suicídio
[PySE2018] Explorando QuerySets do Django
[PySE2018] O que você precisa saber sobre o básico de uma rede neural
[PySE2018] Padrões para testes de tela com Python + Selenium e como evitar testes instáveis
[PySE2018] Pedagogia Tecnológica
[PySE2018] Python + FabLab - Programando objetos para fabricação digital
[PySE2018] Python na Astronomia
[PySE2018][Keynote] Python Moderno
James Abel & François Piednoël - Meltdown/Spectre for Python Programmers - Pyninsula #10
Nathaniel J Smith - Python Concurrency for Mere Mortals - Pyninsula #10
A 1 minute recap of PyCon Belarus 2018 Conference
Pycon Ph 2018 Day 1
Pycon Ph 2018 Day 2
PyCon PH 2018 Erika Fille Legara Ph.D. - Why Python in Scientific Research
Pycon PH 2018 Howard Lince III - Processing the Social Web
PyCon PH 2018 Jolly Ann Bilad - Put your analysis to a web app using Dash
PyCon PH 2018 Joseph Ross Lee - Integrate Two Systems Using Hive Swarm
PyCon PH 2018 Joshua Arvin Lat - Designing Reliable, Scalable & Secure Data-Intensive Python Apps
PyCon PH 2018 Mitchel Cabuloy - Write Clean and Maintainable Code with Service Objects
PyCon PH 2018 Rodney Quillo - Ansible as Configuration Management: Features and Beyond
PyCon PH 2018 Sony Valdez Intro to Python
PyCon PH 2018 Younggun Kim - Python Community and Olympism
Lightning talks
PyCaribbean 2018 - Closing Video
avc Geospatial data science and analysis using ArcGIS API for Python
Boosting Python Web Applications with Protocol Buffers and GRPC
Building microservices with firefly
Building single page javascript apps with Django, Graphql, Relay and React!
Clean Architecture Applications in Python
Django on Steroids Building Applications at Web Scale
Getting Started with Embedded Python MicroPython and CircuitPython
How import works in Python
How is metaclass used in real life
How to Boost your Tensorflow model inference performance using Asyncio
HTTP Bottom Up Live!
Keynote - Python And Data: Past, Present And Future By Peter Wang
Liberating tabular data from the clutches of PDFs
Machine learning & NLP at Goibibo Keytopic extraction and contextual sentiment analysis of 20 millio
Making Of NextGen Fintech: Insights From Visible Alpha Tech Stack
Mentoring keynote Noufal Ibrahim
OLMONK Data validation package
Panel discussion : Women in Open source
PyBeacon Eddystone Protocol implementation in Python
python community principle keynote Elizabeth Ferrao
Reducing dead code ratio of your project with vulture
Spinning local DNS server sourcing responses over HTTPS to combat Man in the middle attack
tools to define Machine Learning
Using Python and microservices to fuel WebPush at Mozilla