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Archives for April 2015
Training a machine learning model with scikit-learn
Oliver Nagy - A Game Engine For Engineers
PEP 492
Python and React.js live coding session
Transducers and Python
Using DataRobot SDK to estimate task lifetime
"Vagga" - a containerisation tool without daemons
Vulyk, crowdsourcing framework
Adam Ginsburg - Astroquery
Althea Moorhead - Meteor Shower Identification and Classification with Python
Andy R. Terrel and Christine Doig - Building Python Data Applications with Blaze and Bokeh
Andy R. Terrel - Python in Scientific Research
Ben Zaitlen - Odo - Shape Shifting Data—A Handy Tool to Guide You from CSV HDFS and Beyond
Brigitta Sipocz - PhotUtils
Bryan Van De Ven - Bokeh Tutorial
Bugra Akyildiz - A Thorough Machine Learning Pipeline via Scikit Learn
Chengkai Li - Data Science for Computational Journalism
Chenyi Hu - A Python Module for Data Analytics with Interval Computing
Chou-han Yang - Briefly - A Python DSL to Scale Complex Mapreduce Pipelines
Christine Doig - Reproducible Multi language Data Science with Conda
Cliff Click - H₂O Machine Learning
Dana Bauer - Death and Open Data - Conquering Your Fears And Sharing Your Data
Daniel Lathrop - Python for the News
David Perez Suarez - Recipy
Edward Gomez - Python and Robotic Telescopes
Emille Ishida - COIN Methodology and software for cosmology
Erik Tollerund - The Astropy Project
James Powell - CPython Meanderings
James Powell - Integration With the Vernacular the NumPy Approach
Jason Vertrees - Introducing the World of Commercial Real Estate Data to App Developers
Jeb Stone, Jigar Mistry and Rohan Patil - Social Media Analysis in Python
Joe Zuntz - Multilingual Python plugin architecture for cosmology
Jon Riehl - Python is for the Curious
Kelle Cruz - Building the community of Python users in Astronomy
Kyle Kelley - To the Future with Jupyter
Kyle Maxwell - Using Python to Fight Cybercrime
Lightning Talks 1
Lightning Talks 2
Lightning Talks 3
Matthew Craig - Astropy with undergraduates
Meltem Ballan - Transitioning an idea from Academia to Commercialization A Startup Story
Nadia Dencheva - Generalized World Coordinate System
Paige Bailey - There's No Place Like Home - Analyzing HPD Police Beat Data with Python and ArcGIS
Paul Ingram - Calling Distributed Python from Inside SQL
Paul Joireman - Assimilation - From C to Python
Perry Greenfield - The Development and Future of Python at STScI
Peter Wang - State of the Py, 2015 Keynote
Phillip Cloud - Blaze in the Real World
Prabhu Saiprabhu "Sai" - Hashtag Buddies
Rajat Arya and Yucheng Low - Building Machine Learning Applications in Python
Rajat Arya - Deploying scikit learn Models in Production
Stuart Mumford - PythonTex
Stuart Mumford - SunPy: Python for Solar Physics
Vanessa Moss - arXiver
Victor Terron - LEMON: A differential photometry pipeline
Vivian Zhang - Python Data Analytics Workshop - NumPy, pandas, matplotlib, and SciPy
Volodymyr Kazantsev - Beyond t tests - How to Conclude an Online Experiment Using Python
Yucheng Low - SFrame - A Scalable, Out of Core Dataframe for Machine Learning
Как скачать статистику игроков World of Tanks
Machine learning with Python
Python AST
Industrial uses of Scikit-Learn (business roundtable)
Out-of-core NumPy arrays without changing your code with wendelin-core
Getting started in scikit-learn with the famous iris dataset
Numba, a JIT compiler for fast numerical code
Pythran: Static Compilation of Parallel Scientific Kernels
Keynote - Gabriella Coleman
Keynote - Guido van Rossum
scikit-learn for predictive maintenance at Airbus
Using Python and Data science to tackle real-time transportation problems at Lyft
Python, SQLalchemy and Scrapy for real-time data processing at Kpler
Setting up Python for machine learning: scikit-learn and IPython Notebook
Embarrassingly parallel database calls with Python
Industrial Monitoring with the Wendelin Big Data platform
Simulating and visualising commuter flow through the London Underground
Why and how to explain machine learning predictions
Datacratic's Machine Learning Database (MLDB)
Deep dive into Docker storage drivers
Introduction to Pandas
Mercurial, with real python bites
Reaching your DREAMs with Python
Scalable Machine Learning in Python using GraphLab Create
Technical Debt - The code monster in everyone's closet
Tree models with scikit-learn
What's new in scikit-learn 0.16 and what's cooking...
A Winning Strategy with The Weakest Link: how to use weak references to make your code more robust
Achieving Continuous Delivery: An Automation Story
Avoiding Burnout, and other essentials of Open Source Self-Care
Beyond grep: Practical Logging and Metrics
Build and test wheel packages on Linux, OSX & Windows
Bytes in the Machine: Inside the CPython interpreter
Choose Your Own WSGI Deployment Adventure
Closing Messages
Cutting Off the Internet: Testing Applications that Use Requests
Describing Descriptors
Eventually Correct: Testing Async Apps
Exploring is never boring: understanding CPython without reading the code
Finding Spammers & Scammers through Rate Tracking with Python & Redis
Free Software, Free People
Getting to Jython 2.7 and beyond
Graph Database Patterns in Python
Gradual Typing for Python 3
Hash Functions and You: Partners in Freedom
Improve your development environments with virtualization
Interactive data for the web
Introduction to game programming with Kivy
Introduction to Spark with python
Keynote - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
Keynote - Van Lindberg - Pycon 2015
Lessons learned with asyncio ("Look ma, I wrote a distributed hash table!")
Lightning Talks - April 11th 17h30
Lightning Talks - April 12th 08h30
Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn (II)
Make web development awesome with visual diffing tools
Making Beautiful Graphs in Python and Sharing Them
Managing Your Infrastructure with SaltStack
Oh, Come On Who Needs Bytearrays
Other people's messy data (and how not to hate it!)
Pandas From The Ground Up
Performance by the Numbers: analyzing the performance of web applications
PostgreSQL Proficiency for Python People
Python Performance Profiling: The Guts And The Glory
Pythons are Deaf, So are Some Pythonistas
Rethinking packaging, development and deployment
Schemas for the Real World
Serialization formats are not toys
Ship it: Deployments with Pip
Smart services & smart clients: How micro-services change the way you build and deploy code.
So you think you can PDB?
streamparse: real-time streams with Python and Apache Storm
Techniques for Debugging Hard Problems
Terminal whispering
The Ethical Consequences Of Our Collective Activities
To ORM or not to ORM
WebSockets from the Wire Up
What to do when you need crypto
Where in your RAM is "python san_diego.py"?
Your Brain's API: Giving and Getting Technical Help
Zen of Quality
3D Print Anything with the Blender API
A Beginner's Guide to Test-driven Development
Advanced Git
Ansible beyond YAML
Beyond PEP 8 -- Best practices for beautiful intelligible code
Building a REST API Using Django & Django REST Framework
Building secure systems
Data Science in Advertising: Or a future when we love ads
Demystifying Docker
Distributed Systems 101
Don't Make Us Say We Told You So: virtualenv for New Pythonistas
Experimental pure mathematics using Sage
Exploring Minecraft and Python: Learning to Code Through Play
Facts and Myths about Python names and values
Finding Your Groove: Contributing to CPython and Beyond
Fire your supervisord running Python apps on CoreOS
Flask Workshop
Good Test, Bad Test
Grids, Streets and Pipelines: Building a linguistic street map with scikit-learn
Hadoop with Python
Hands-on with Pydata: how to build a minimal recommendation engine.
How our engineering environments are killing diversity (and how we can fix it).
How to Be More Effective with Functions
How to build a brain with Python
How to interpret your own genome using (mostly) Python.
How to make your code Python 2/3 compatible
How to Write Reusable Code
Hyperactive: HTTP/2 and Python
I18N: World Domination the Easy Way
Introduction to HTTPS: A Comedy of Errors
Investigating Python Wats
Learning from other's mistakes: Data-driven analysis of Python code
Lightning Talks - April 10th
Lightning Talks - April 11th 8h30
Losing your Loops Fast Numerical Computing with NumPy
Machine Learning 101
Make your own Smart Air Conditioner
My Python's a little Rust-y
Neural Nets for Newbies
Open Source for Newcomers and the People Who Want to Welcome Them
Porting Python to run without an OS
PyPy.js: What? How? Why?
Python by Immersion
Python Concurrency From the Ground Up: LIVE!
Robots Robots Ra Ra Ra!!!
Satellite mapping for everyone
Super considered super!
Systems programming as a swiss army knife
Technical Debt
The REST Ascendancy
The (Slightly) Less Sorry State of SSL
Type python, press enter. What happens?
Usability Testing on the Cheap
Using Supervisor For Fun And Profit
What can programmers learn from pilots?
What Python can learn from Erlang
"Words, words, words": Reading Shakespeare with Python
Ansible 101
Bayesian statistics made simple
Cleaning Confused Collections of Characters
Closing Keynote - Francesc Alted, UberResearch GmbH
Delving into the Django Admin
Descriptors and Metaclasses
Django in Depth
Getting comfortable with web security: A hands-on session
Hands-on Data Analysis with Python
Introduction to scikit-image
Keynote - Catherine Bracy
Modules and Packages: Live and Let Die!
Opening Statements - Julia Evans
Python Epiphanies
Statistical inference with computational methods
Twitter Network Analysis with NetworkX
Winning Machine Learning Competitions With Scikit-Learn
Docker 101: Introduction to Docker
IPython & Jupyter in depth: high productivity interactive and parallel python
Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn (I)
Opening Keynote - Gaël Varoquaux, Inria
Practical Graph/Network Analysis Made Simple
Shiny, Let's Be Bad Guys: Exploiting and Mitigating the Top 10 Web App Vulnerabilities
TDD with Django, from scratch: a beginner's intro to testing and web development
Linear predictions with scikit-learn: simple and efficient
Metaprogramación Práctica
What is machine learning, and how does it work?
Breve presentación de SAGE
Buildout: Creando y desplegando configuraciones repetibles en python
Clases en Python: Lo estas haciendo mal
Concurrencia de I/O en python
El problema C10K, la nube y la supercomputación
Fabric: Más alla de lo básico
Fifty shades of docker
Generators will free your mind
Gestión del ciclo de vida de un proyecto desde el propio repositorio
Hackeando el notebook de ipython
Introduction to large scale data analytics and interactive visualization
Lightning talks 2014-11-08 13:00
Lightning talks 2014-11-08 19:30
Lightning talks 2014-11-09 13:00
Method dispatching techniques in python
Métodos mágicos en python3
Por qué Charles Xavier debe cambiar Cerebro por Python
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural en python
Programación funcional con Python
PyBot + RoboEarth
Python on a Plane
Speed without drag
Técnicas avanzadas de Scrapy
Torque: Python y analisis de datos