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Archives for November 2015
asyncio.get_event_loop() → what is that?
Introduction to new matplotlib toolbar
Learning Python When You're Ten
NHL goal celebration hack with light show and machine learning
Starting on a GUI: WXpython vs Kivy
Python Tips, Tricks and Hidden Features
Migrating to microservices at Eventbrite
Keynote - Topics of Interest (Python Asyncio)
Keynote Luiza Nunes - Python Social - Relatos sobre o empoderamento de pessoas na África
Trilha Carreira | Conselhos de arquitetura e qualidade
Trilha Carreira | Escale código e não servidores
Trilha Carreira | Python Guerrilha - levando alegria para ambientes burocráticos
Trilha Iniciante | Design Patterns e Python
Trilha Iniciante | Ferramentas de análise de código para Python
Trilha Iniciante | Games com Python
Trilha Iniciante - Testes Pythonicos com Py.test
Trilha Pydata | Data Warehouse em NoSQL, Cassandra, Spark e Python
Trilha Pydata | Processamento de satélite para mapeamento de área queimada
Trilha Pydata | Python for Data Science
Alex Rubinsteyn: Python Libraries for Deep Learning with Sequences
Andre Panisson: Exploring temporal graph data with Python
Andreas Mueller, Brian Granger, Jeff Reback, Michael Droettboom (Keynote): New Project Features
Andreas Mueller: Machine Learning with scikit learn
Andrew Campbell: Bootstrapping Applications and Dashboards with IPython Widgets
Andrew Montalenti: Beating Python's GIL to Max Out Your CPUs
Andrew Osheroff, Jeremy Freeman, Kyle Kelley: Binder: sharing and reproducing computation
Anna Nicanorova: Optimizing Life Everyday Problems Solved with Linear Programing in Python
Ben Fields: Great Taste, Less Wordy: Document Summarization of Beer Reviews
Brett Cannon: A survey of Python interpreters
Brian Coffey: D3 in Jupyter
Brian Granger: All About Jupyter
Brian Kent: Density Based Clustering in Python
Bruno Goncalves, Anastasios Noulas: Mining Georeferenced Data
Cornelia Levy-Bencheton (Keynote): The Pain of Discipline and the Power of Not Yet
Dan Blanchard: Simplifying large scale parallel processing with Storm and streamparse
Daniel Rodriguez: Querying 1 6 billion reddit comments with python
Dr Jessica Stauth: Portfolio and Risk Analytics in Python with pyfolio
Eben Olson: Neural networks with Theano and Lasagne
Eric J Ma: Network Analysis Fundamentals
Francois Scharffe: Word embeddings as a service
James Powell: Does Code Quality Really Matter
Jeff Reback: Performance Pandas (PyData NYC 2015)
Jessica Forde: Visualizing Wireless Router Timeseries Data with the Density API, Seaborn, and Pandas
Jim Crist: Dask Parallelizing NumPy and Pandas through Task Scheduling
Karim Chine: Towards a universal platform for data science on public and private clouds
Karthik Ananth: Scrapy Workshop
Katrina Riehl (Keynote): Memex: Mining the Dark Web
Keynote - Learning == Creating (We're All in it Together)
Keynote - Python não usual
Keynote - Import o que importa
Lightning Talks
Marcos Vanetta: Reproducibility of your development environment
Maria Nattestad: How Big Data is transforming biology and how we are using Python to make sense
Matthew Conlen: Lightning Web First Data Visualization in Python
Michael Droettboom: matplotlib
Mike Mull: The Art and Science of Data Matching
Milos Miljkovic: Song Matching by Analyzing and Hashing Audio Fingerprints
Nick Evans: Realtime Risk Management Using Kafka, Python, and Spark Streaming
Pawel Potacki: Building interactive visualization with VTK, Matplotlib and Enaml
Perry Greenfield (Keynote): How Python Found its way Into Astronomy
Phillip Cloud: Blaze- An Interface to all the Things
Rajat Arya, Brian Kent: Getting Started with Machine Learning Applications
Riley H: Social Science Conscious Analysis Case Study: The Cost of Public School In NYC
Ryan J. O'Neil: Optimize your Docker Infrastructure with Python
Scott Sanderson: Developing an Expression Language for Quantitative Financial Modeling
Shawn Scully: Production and Beyond: Deploying and Managing Machine Learning Models
Steve Dower: Using Python in Visual Studio
Steve Taylor: Correlation Matrix Filtering and Asset Allocation with Python
Stuart Williams: Python Epiphanies
The Future of Machine Learning Panel Discussion
Timothy Hopper: Understanding Probabilistic Topic Models By Simulation
TJ Torres: Deep Style
Travis Oliphant & Peter Wang (Keynote): Python as the Zen of Data Science
Trent Oliphant: Using Django as a data tool in the Enterprise
Trilha Carreira | Anubis - Python na Câmara Municipal de São Paulo
Trilha Carreira | Experiência no Ensino de Programação com Python
Trilha Iniciante | Desenvolvimento mobile com Python
Trilha Iniciante | Internet das Coisas com Python e Arduino
Trilha Iniciante | Tkinter para embarcados
Trilha Pydata | BeavOps : Como o Python ajudou a integrar o mundo DevOps
Trilha Pydata | Computação científica com Python
Trilha Pydata | Girando pratos: concorrência moderna em Python
Trilha Web | Django REST Framework in-depth
Trilha Web | Funkload: Quanto a sua aplicação web aguenta?
Trilha Web | Matando um Monolítico Django: de Pluggable Apps aos Microservices
Trilha Web | Metaprogramação em Python: metaclass e decorators
An example of scikit-learn and SciPy used for the analysis of extreme weather
Bioacoustics in Python
Building a Django app with Viewflow
Closing Ceremonies
Django and the joys and benefits of live coding
Django REST framework: the good & the bad
Embrace the Singularity
Fabric-less deployments for WSGI apps
From Flying Circus to Holy Grail: migrating the Twilio REST API from PHP to Python
Full-stack Django application monitoring with django-watchman
Learning to code... better!
Networks and innovation: a lot of programming inside
Python for command line tools: the ups and downs of Mercurial's language choice
Python for reliable delivery of cross platform developer products
Python GUI tools for editing initial and boundary conditions for climate simulations
Take a Stroll in the Bazaar
Using Python for real-time signal analysis
Wax on, wax off: the tough love guide to mentoring
Welcome & Morning Keynote
Working effectively with legacy code - Python edition
500 Lines or Less
Beyond Configuration Management with SaltStack for event-driven infrastructure
Building a Quantitative Trading Strategy To Beat the S&P500
Building highly decoupled systems in Python
Data mining robots: using Seaborn and pandas with the Robot Operating System
Deconstructing Django with Flask
Earthquakes and the Moon
Epic NHL goal celebration hack with a hue light show and real-time machine learning
Exploring our Python interpreter
Fraud detection in real-time with Spark
Geolocation apps with Django
Hacking structural biology with Python and pandas
How Python helped create the visual effects for an Emmy nominated TV show
How to teach Python to a ten year old
How Wave does database sharding with Django
Immutable Django
Is your Python application secure?
Make Jupyter/IPython Notebook even more magical with cell magic extensions!
Matplotlib: up and running
Orchestrating a climate modeling data pipeline
ORM your ORM
Python's new type hints in action... in JavaScript
REBOUND, a high-perf Python/C package for simulating planetary & satellite orbits
RPython: turtles all the way down
Saturday Morning Keynote
Scaling Python
Using Python and Docker to create a novel and scalable development environment solution
Using Python to characterize the structure of wood
What you can do with Python, an RDBMS, SVN, and a little scripting in a data center
Brand recognition in real-life photos using deep learning
Statistical Inference for Data Analysts. An Introduction
A Brief Introduction to Practical Robotics in Python
Beyond the basics with Elasticsearch
Call Me Later
Designing Large-Scale Applications in Python
Hoist Your I/O
Into the Rabbit Hole
Использование BDD в разработке на Python
Modern Deployments
Мониторинг производительности приложения на Python
Monolithic app to microservices transition is easy
On snakes and elephants
Python Debugger
Queueing tasks with rq
Real-time web apps with (just) Python and Postgres
Shipping Python to customers
Single Responsibility Principle
Small Data: Storage for the rest of us
Snakes, ponies and balloons
Software Defined Networking in Python
Stopping to Sharpen Your Tools
Stories about decentralization and diversity
The Python Community - Present, Past and Future