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Ganga: an interface to the LHC computing grid


Ganga is a tool, designed and used by the large particle physics experiments at CERN. Written in pure Python, it delivers a clean, usable interface to allow thousands of physicists to interact with the huge computing resources available to them.


Ganga is a tool, designed and used by the large particle physics experiments at CERN. Written in pure Python, it delivers a clean, usable interface to allow thousands of physicists to interact with the huge computing resources available to them. It provides a single platform with which data analysis tasks can be run on anything from a local machine to being distributed seamlessly to computing centres around the world.

The talk will cover the problems faced by physicists when dealing with the computer infrastructure and how Ganga helps to solve this problem. It will focus on how Python has helped create such a tool through its advanced features such as metaclasses and integration into IPython.


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