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Event: PyData Córdoba 2019
A better PyData ecosystem, one commit at a time
A Hitchhiker's Guide to designing a Bayesian library in Python
A (Very Gentle) introduction to Quantum Computing
Aprendizaje por refuerzo con OpenAI Gym
Breaking the 80/20 dilemma in Data Science projects
Clustering data
Computer Vision en la práctica
Data Products, From 0 to data science pipeline
Data Science Best Practices con Kedro
Decentralized Machine Learning
Del POC a producción - Infraestructura para machine-learning en Mercadolibre
Embeddings... embeddings everywhere
Empowering Business to make model-based marketing decisions with Plotly Dash and CVXPy
Extracción de secciones de textos
FKLearn, A functional machine learning library
Introducción a pandas (español)
Jorge Douglas: Pyplan a Graphical Programming Python IDE for creating Data Analytics Apps
Know what you don't know, Tools to understand uncertainty in DL and use it in your favor
Machine Learning over graphs
Optimización de ofertas, un enfoque dual
Python ❤️Open Data!
Sugerencias automáticas en sistemas conversacionales
The evolution of basketball with data science
Writing effective bayesian programs using TensorFlow and TFP