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The Perfect Python Project

By Glyph


Do you want to create a Python project?

Do you want it to be good?

There have been lots of talks and posts and books about how to improve your project by adopting this or that tool or technology, by adopting a best practice. We all want to improve. We all want our code to be more correct. Faster. Friendlier. Easier to use. Better documented. Better tested. To have better coverage. Easier to contribute to. Easier to work on. More welcoming as a community. More repeatable. Less flaky. More secure. More sustainable. Easier to install. Easier to deploy. Easier to manage. Easier to discover. Easier to discuss, to report issues, to investigate issues, to triage issues.

What if we did all the things though? How could we make our project perfect?

In this talk, I will explore a comprehensive review of all of the best practices available to Python projects; a few specific to open source, but most applicable to just about anything written in Python. In addition to learning about many, many best practices, their importance, and the tools available to facilitate them, I will also propose some solutions to the overwhelming sense of existential dread that one might feel when confronted with all of them at once.


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