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Giving the Perfect Intro to Coding Python!


In this talk, we'll walk you through a tried and tested intro to coding workshop that you can use to teach others how to code, even if you're a beginner yourself. We've given this workshop in person and remotely, and now we want to share our lessons with you on how to run a successful workshop for people who've never touched code before. We'll also give you our slides to the workshop, so you can go forth and spread Python with ease!

PyCascades talk slides:

Intro to coding workshop materials:

How to Prevent Zoom Bombing:

After three amazing in-person conferences, this time we're moving PyCascades online.

PyCascades is a regional PyCon in the Pacific Northwest, celebrating the west coast Python developer and user community. Our organizing team includes members of the Vancouver, Seattle, and Portland Python user groups.

Videos are released as CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

Produced by Next Day Video Australia:

#pycascades #pycon #python #conference

Sat Feb 20 15:20:00 2021 at Prerecorded Talks

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