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What I now know about HAproxied Django DB connections, and wish I'd known sooner


Florian Haas

When you’re running a Django application, the following things are all pretty commonplace:

  • You use MySQL or MariaDB as your Django database backend.
  • You don’t run a single standalone MySQL/MariaDB instance, but a Galera cluster.
  • You run asynchronous tasks in Celery.

Now suppose your application doesn’t talk to your Galera cluster directly, but via HAProxy. That’s not exactly unheard of; in fact it’s an officially documented HA option for Galera. And, to complicate things further, this may be a feature of your setup that you, the application developer, don't necessarily have control over.

In such a scenario, you may be dealing with very "interesting" features of HAproxy which — if you are unfamiliar with them — can throw you very nasty curveballs.

Having been in the position where, together with my team, I was indeed unfamiliar with some of HAProxy's/Galera's intricacies and we were thus on he receiving end of those curveballs, I am taking this opportunity to share our findings so that our pain is someone else's gain. You have multiple options at your disposal — some in your infrastructure setup, and some in your Django application code. This talk covers both those angles.

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Fri Sep 4 13:55:00 2020 at Obvious

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