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Studying astronomy at the University of Warwick using Python


Presented by: Simon Walker

We at the astronomy group at the University of Warwick use Python for a wide range of tasks. From efficient image reduction through numpy array manipulation, high performance analysis by wrapping C++ code, or use of the multiprocessing module, Python is utilised for many applications.

The astronomy group studies other worlds, searching for extrasolar planets with new projects such as NGTS, and utilising results from the Kepler project. Also studied are the most distant objects in the universe, where massive explosions are visible from colossal distances. Cold dying stars known as white dwarfs are modelled as systems orbiting and stealing mass from their companion stars.

Python enables our understanding at the Warwick astronomy group. In this talk I discuss topics covering the whole scientific process from manipulating raw data and correcting for systematic errors, through analysis incorporating modelling and understanding the results, to visualising the final products ready for publication.


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