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Exploring Eco topics with Python


From Deforestation to Wildlife Trade to Carbon Polluters, learn how to use Python to explore current Eco topics!

As Earth's sustainability edges ever closer to tipping point, it has never been more important for us inhabitants to be aware of the impact we have on the environment, and the deteriorating state of our planet. This tutorial will democratize access to practical Python skills for the relevant sciences, applying these skills to pressing Eco issues, and ultimately empower non-subject experts with working proficiency of relevant open-source tools for discovering more facts about our natural world, at a time when disinformation is rife.

  • Key Python takeaways: intro to and/or application of numpy, pandas, matplotlib, networkx, geopandas, xarray, and rioxarray.
  • Format: interactive computer lab, with attendees working hands-on through pre-prepared Jupyter Notebook content at a group pace led by the instructor.
  • Audience: no prior Eco/Scientific domain knowledge or experience with the Python packages being taught required, but attendees must have basic Python programming proficiency and ability to set-up access to JupyterLab with the required mainstream dependencies (as per instructions provided in advance).


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