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Anarchy to Order - Organizing assorted data with Python and LLMs


Anarchy to Order - Organizing assorted data with Python and LLMs

Bringing structure to chaotic, heterogeneous data is critical for fueling effective applications. This talk will show how to leverage LangChain in a Python application to take assorted file types and build a unified knowledge graph stored in a Neo4j database.

Key takeaways will include: - How to ingest/import varied data file types - Structuring/organizing data into a graph database - Using Langchain, GraphQL, or Cypher to use this data

Speaker: Jason Koo

Mobile Developer turned Pythonista, Jason Koo is a Developer Advocate Manager at Neo4j who loves all things Python! Most of the time he assists a small but mighty team of Advocates but still finds time to code and speak at developer meetups, conferences, and the occasional podcast. He also organizes and hosts a thriving Graph Database Meetup group in sunny San Diego.


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