Lightning Talks 2017-07-14
Start | Speakers | Subject |
2:45 | Chaya Stern | cpDetect - A Bayesian Change Point Detection Package, wrote for a package. Finds chunks and splits them in your time series. On github. |
5:20 | James | Script All the Things! - Programming is a perishable skill. So script all the things and get better at it. |
10:10 | Dana Miller | Buildings + Python - Buildings use 40% of energy, make lots of data on BACnet, sMAP 2, and use Python |
15:00 | Adam Hood | Datalore - JetBrains new Python IDE for Data Science with intentions (suggestions), continuous execution, more. |
18:45 | Christie Koehler | How to Measure Open Source Sustainability - Foundational projects are just getting by. Want to develop a metric for sustainability. |
24:50 | Imanshu Mishra | PEP8Speaks - Automated mailing for PEP8 issues. |
28:20 | Randy Ludwig | Data Science for Babies - Analyzing for Eat/Sleep/Poop metrics using broken linear fit. |
34:00 | Kyle Penner | Thank you Images - AstroPy and ApplePy let me make pretty pictures. |
38:10 | Jane Williams & Alyssa Whitwell | Clover's Health ASE program - Clover grew fast and made an Associate Software Engineer program. 100% retention. |
43:50 | Santosh | MiGA - RDP's Microbial Genome Atlas. Upload your genome to identify. |
48:00 | M Pacer | IPython News - IPython 6.0 is out, and requires Python 3.x; IPython.display.display now built in; Fernando Perez is teaching reproducible research. |
51:40 | James Powell | gormless - People don't care about domain models, but there is no limit of complexity in real world so we regularize it. |
58:10 | David Shu | Python Widgets for Astronomy Visualization - Firefly Archive Access System; Firefly_widgets. Use cookiecutter template. |
1:03:00 | Peter Wang | Yeah! - Python and open source won! Future ways of looking at systems and openess. |