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Postulating The Backlog Laxative


So you had an idea for an awesome software product and started to build up your team of engineers around it. Two things are almost inevitable: you chose some super cool programming language like Clojure and you're doing Scrum for the process. Good for you.

When your company grows, you end up with multiple Scrum teams. But you also end up with new activities: documentation, blogging, demos, submissions to conferences to show-off your awesome heap of Clojure. How are you going to get all of /that/ done?

"The book" tells you to mix all these activities in with your Scrum engineering teams. "The Book" was also probably written by someone who has never had to do devrel in their lives (or, who hates devrel engineers). Numerous problems exist at the interface between product engineering and devrel and the result is your devrel backlog can get backed-up.

Dr. Paul (not a real doctor) has the laxative you need! In this talk he presents his experience of structuring multiple Scrum teams at Crate.IO in order to loosen-up the devrel backlog: ensuring highly quality feature documentation, getting out those blog posts and showing-off our lovely heap of Clojure*.

*Crate is written in Java.


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