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Archives for July 2013
Atypes, Btypes and Ctypes
Develop Games with Panda3D and Python
diesel: Simple and Scalable Network Applications
Django Powered Mobile Apps
Gittle: Pure Python Git
Hardware Design in Python
Keeping library compatible with Python 2.6-3.4 using python-systemd as example
My Adventures with Mock
Python + FUSE
Saturday Morning BreakfastSerial: Hacking Arduinos in Python
Simple Games for Beginners
Sunday Lightning Talks
Super Advanced Python
The IPython Notebook Revolution
A Text Adventure in Python
APIs made for mobile networks
Arbitrage on Amazon: Exploiting the Textbook Trade-ins with Python
Better Mapping with Shapely
Code Reading Python
Flasky Goodness
Fundamentals of Python Debugging
Introduction to SQLAlchemy and Alembic Migrations
PyOhio 2013 Keynote: Sine Qua Nons
Kivy - Creating Desktop and Mobile Apps with Python
Large scale network analysis w/ python and igraph
Model-View-Controller & Pygame
ORM vs SQL Roundup
Pika and Queues
Playing with PyEphem
Porting Half a Million Lines to Python 3
Python 101
Saturday Lightning Talks
Shiny, Let's Be Bad Guys: Exploiting and Mitigating the Top 10 Web App Vulnerabilities - Part 1
Shiny, Let's Be Bad Guys: Exploiting and Mitigating the Top 10 Web App Vulnerabilities - Part 2
Asynchronous I/O in Python 3
ipython / notebook demo
Big Data Deduplication and data matching using Python
Build your infrastructure - with Python!
Buildbots Rollout!
Building data flows with Celery and SQLAlchemy
Conference Close
Don't Do This
Dynamic visualisation in the IPython Notebook
Getting the most out of Stack Overflow
Growing Open Source Seeds
Making games in pygame
Making Python More Fun for Everyone
Managing scientific simulations with Python with RQ (Redis Queue)
Modern scientific computing and big data analytics in Python
My big gay adventure. Making, releasing and selling an indie game made in python.
PiDoorbell - Instantaneous Video Notifications with Arduino & RaspberryPi
Python? Ruby? Go? Oh My!
Solving problems by sharing them... with Python!
Sunday Lightning Talks
The Framework Framework
The ultimate CMS vs Framework showdown
Tinkering with Tkinter
Using Python to drive Australian water availability forecasting
Web testing for Ninjas with Splinter
Building secure web apps: Python vs the OWASP Top 10
Computer Science, Software Engineering, and the Scientific Method
Conference Opening & Housekeeping
Exploring Science on Twitter with IPython Notebook and Python Pandas
Learning Parseltongue: Wizardry in Python
Limiting Execution Time Through Interrupt Driven Programming
Modules 101: how to avoid spaghetti, big balls of mud and houses of straw!
Nobody Expects the Python Packaging Authority
Python 102 - a recap and a bit more.
Pythonic iterators and generators
Salt: How to be Truly Lazy
Saturday Lightning Talks
Schemas for the Real World
scikit-learn, machine learning and cybercrime attribution
Software Carpentry arrives Down Under!
Testing: Choose Your Weapons
Testing for Graceful Failure with Vaurien and Marteau
The life of a web request - techniques for measuring and improving Django application performance
Transitioning from PHP to Django on the sly
Using Cython for distributed-multiprocess steganographic md5sum-collision generation
Using Python to design, configure, and measure large-scale networks
Why I use py.test and maybe you should too
A state of REST.
All-Singing All-Dancing Python Bytecode - Part 2
An Intro to Blender Modeling and Scripting - Part 1
An intro to Blender modeling and scripting - Part 2
Beyond Search
Capire le codifiche e Unicode
Core Developer Panel
Developing multi-platform apps with Python in 2013
Django Unstrained
DjangoCon AU Lightning Talks
Efficient Python development with small teams
Emacs and shell as your best friends
EuroPython 2013 Google Jam Quiz Solutions
Extending Python into PostgreSQL
Fast, documented and reliable JSON based webservices with Python
Game Development Tools
Get up to speed with OpenStack! - Part 2
Get up to speed with OpenStack! - Part 3
Getting Started with OpenStack Development
Getting started with Plone CMS development - Part 1
Getting started with Plone CMS development - Part 2
Going beyond the Django ORM limitations with Postgres
Introducing Python as a main programming language in a company
Keynote: A divided web, a review of the role of frameworks
Keynote: The myth of goldilocks and the three frameworks, Pyramid, Django and Plone
Lightnings Talks, 5th July
Magical attributes
mongopersist: Persisting python objects *transparently* to MongoDB
Nixos Operating System: Declarative Configuration Distribution
Nova v3 API
P2P Open Trying Things
P2P/NSA Idea Gathering
PEP 423: issues, best practices, tools about names
PGP / GPG Keysigning
Porting Django apps to Python 3
Pymove 3D
Pyramid advanced configuration tactics for nice apps and libs
Python: da programmatore a domatore
Python for hackers and Penetration testing
Python objects essentials - Part 3
Python Packaging on the Enterprise
Rest API Framework
Scegliere le armi per la battaglia del calcolo intensivo
Secrets of the testing masters
Solid Python Application Deployments For Everybody - Questions
Terminals, command lines, and text interfaces
Testing Django applications with pytest
Testing for beginners
Testtools and Test Repository - the Python test frameworks OpenStack uses
The Server Side: The coolest parts of backend development with Django
Unleash the ponies! Using FeinCMS to add content tools that users love to any Django model
Very Large Development: How to run code review for 800+ Open Source Python Developers
Why Python Sucks
Write a Fault Tolerant web service using gevent + uwsgi
WTF is OpenStack
x86/x64 assembly + Python = new CPU architecture (to rule the world)
A hands-on introduction to software testing (reloaded) - Part 1
A hands-on introduction to software testing (reloaded) - Part 2
A hands-on introduction to software testing (reloaded) - Part 3
Affordable Off-The-Shelf Augmented Reality in Python
An optimizing static Python compiler
Costruisci la tua piattaforma open-source di video-sharing in Python
Designing a Real Time Control System based on Django, ZMQ and WebSockets (wrong cover)
Designing Large-Scale Applications in Python
devpi: driving your packaging and testing needs
Extra Lightning Talks 03 July - 1
Extra Lightning Talks 03 July - 2
Functional programming in Python and even Haskell - Part 1
Functional programming in Python and even Haskell - Part 2
Introduction to Cassandra
Kivy, Python RAD per lo sviluppo di applicazioni mobile e non solo
Kivy, versatile framework for mobile and desktop
libspotify: Add music to Python
Meta Programming - Some Use Cases for Everyday Programming
Mocket: a Socket Mock Framework
Never get in a battle of bits without ammunition.
OpenERP nel paese delle meraviglie
OpenStack on OpenStack: Deploying OpenStack using OpenStack
Programming physics games with Python and OpenGL
Python and PostgreSQL for Huge Data Warehouses
Server side story
SimpleManagement: come semplificare la gestione progetti con Python
Take Back Control Over Your Work. Agile Tips For Python Developers.
TDD from scratch
The Python Paradox
Tools for successful project development
Using iPython Notebook in the Classroom
Vaurien The Chaos TCP Proxy
Web Applications on Python3 and Python2 with TurboGears - Part 1
Web Applications on Python3 and Python2 with TurboGears - Part 2
Writing websockets applications with uWSGI and Gevent
A Better Future with Python
All-Singing All-Dancing Python Bytecode - Part 1
batou - a multi-(component|environment|platform|.*) deployment tool
Bringing Spatial Love to your Python Application
Circus, process and socket manager
Coding for the Modern Warzone
Corso di sopravvivenza per sviluppatori OpenSource
Data model patterns with SQLAlchemy
Decorators and context managers
Essere agili? Metodi, strumenti e integrazioni: Python “to rule them all”
EuroPython 2013 - Reportage Teaser (Harlem Shake)
Greenlet-based concurrency
Intro to Django - Part 1
Intro to Django - Part 2
Introduce Django to your old friends
Lessons learned from serving 1/4 million in-browser Python consoles with Tornado
Lost in OAuth? Learn Velruse And Get Your Life Back!
Messaging for the Internet of Things
Passwords - the server side
pl/python now as powerful as C
PostgreSQL for Pythonistas.
Practical uses for function annotations
Python: from programmer to tamer
Python Good Practices
Python in the cloud with PaaS - Part 1
Python in the cloud with PaaS - Part 2
Python on Mars
Python su Marte
Scalable SQL Patterns - Part 1
Scalable SQL Patterns - Part 2
Solving Google Code Jam problems with PyPy - Part 1
Solving Google Code Jam problems with PyPy - Part 2
Speed up your Django apps with Jython and SPDY
Taming greenlets using eventlet
Taming Pythons with ZooKeeper
The ‘Agile Movement’
User to framework author in four hours - Part 1
User to framework author in four hours - Part 2
Will ipython replace bash?
A comprehensive look at representing physical quantities in Python
A Portrait of One Scientist as a Graduate Student
A Rapidly-Adaptable Imaging & Measurement Platform for Cancer Research; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Accessing the Virtual Observatory from Python; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Advances in delivery and access tools for coastal ocean model data; SciPy 2013 Presentation
An Open Source System for De-identification and Use of Medical Images; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Analyzing IBM Watson experiments with IPython Notebook; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Automating Quantitative Confocal Microscopy Analysis; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Breaking the diffraction limit with python and scipy; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Bringing astronomical tools down to earth; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Bug hunting for dummies
Celery and Social Networks. 5 Things I Have Learned During Earthquake Hackathon.
Climate Observations from ACIS in pandas; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Coding competitions with PyPy aka "Python for the win!"
Data Agnosticism: Feature Engineering Without Domain Expertise; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Deployability of Python Web Applications
DMTCP: Bringing Checkpoint-Restart to Python; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Dynamics with SymPy Mechanics; SciPy 2013 Presentation
ElasticSearch: Introduction and lessons learned
Emacs + org-mode + python in reproducible research; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Estimating and Visualizing the Inertia of the Human Body with Python; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Experiences in Python for Medical Image Analysis; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Exploring Collaborative HPC Visualization Workflows using VisIt and Python; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Faster Python Programs through Optimization - Part 1
Faster Python Programs through Optimization - Part 2
Flussi di dati GPS in near real-time
Functional testing with Python
Get up to speed with OpenStack! - Part 1
Git Internals - Graphs, Hashes, and Compression
High Performance Reproducible Computing; SciPy 2013 Presentation
How DISQUS does "it" when "it" isn't Django
I see OpenStack in your future!
Introduction to machine learning using Python tools
Introduction to OpenStack Swift
Iris & Cartopy: Python packages for Atmospheric and Oceanographic science; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Let's code with style
lmonade: a platform for development and distribution of scientific software; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Marconi: Queuing and Notification service for OpenStack
Massive Online Collaborative Research and Modeling using Synapse and Python; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Matplotlib: past, present and future; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Matrix Expressions and BLAS/LAPACK; SciPy 2013 Presentation
NeuroTrends: Large-scale automated analysis of the neuroimaging literature; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Obey the Testing Goat! Rigorous Test-Driven Web Development with Django and Selenium - Part 1
Obey the Testing Goat! Rigorous Test-Driven Web Development with Django and Selenium - Part 2
Obidire alla capra! TDD con Python i Selenium
Oil spill modeling and uncertainty forecasts with Python; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Open Source as a Business
open('/dev/real_world') - Raspberry Pi Sensor and Actuator Control; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Opening Up Astronomy with Python and AstroML; SciPy 2013 Presentation
OpenStack: A python based IaaS provider
Parallel Volume Rendering in yt: User Driven & User Developed; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Postgres Demystified
PostgreSQL is Web-Scale (Really :) )
Programmazione competitiva con PyPy: "Vincere con Python!"
pytest - rapid and simple testing with Python
Python objects essentials - Part 1
Python objects essentials - Part 2
Python Tools for Coding and Feature Learning; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Reproducible Documents with PythonTeX; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Scikit-Fuzzy: A New SciPy Toolkit for Fuzzy Logic; SciPy 2013 Presentation
SciPy 2013 John Hunter Excellence in Plotting Contest
SciPy 2013 Lightning Talks, Thu June 27
SciPy 2013 Lightning Talks, Wed June 26
Simulare l'assetto e l'orbita di un satellite con SymPy e PyEphem
Sink or swim: 5 life jackets to throw to New Coders
Solid Python Application Deployments For Everybody
Static analysis of Python
SymPy Gamma and SymPy Live: Python and Mathematics Online; SciPy 2013 Presentation
TDM: Test-Driven Madness
The DyND Library; SciPy 2013 Presentation
The next iteration of your GUI
The Open Science Framework: Improving, by Opening, Science; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Thinking Hard About Python
Understanding Encodings
Uno sguardo agli internal di RestFS
Using IPython Notebook with IPython Cluster; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Using Python to drive the General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Using Sumatra to Manage Numerical Simulations
XDress - Type, But Verify; SciPy 2013 Presentation
A Gentle Introduction To Machine Learning; SciPy 2013 Presentation
All-by-all learning of protein complexes from mass spectrometry data
An efficient workflow for reproducible science; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Astropy, growing a community-based software system for astronomy
Astropy, growing a community-based software system for astronomy; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Best-practice variant calling pipeline for automated sequencing analysis; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Combining C++ and Python in the LSST Software Stack
Combining C++ and Python in the LSST Software Stack; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Complex Experiment Configuration ... using Robot Operating System (ROS); SciPy 2013 Presentation
Detection and characterization of interactions of genetic risk factors
EuroPython 2013 Introduction + The Next 20 Years of Python
Exploring disease genetics from thousands of individual genomes with Gemini; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Getting more developer girls using python
Ginga: an open-source astronomical image viewer and toolkit
Ginga: an open-source astronomical image viewer and toolkit; SciPy 2013 Presentation
GIS Panel Discussion
GIS Panel Discussion; SciPy 2013 Presentation
"Good enough" is good enough!
GraphTerm: A notebook-like graphical terminal interface; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Hyperopt: A Python library for optimizing machine learning algorithms; SciPy 2013
Import without a filesystem, SciPy 2013 Presentation
Infer.py: Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Inference from Python; SciPy 2013 Presentation
IPython-powered Slideshow Reveal-ed; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Julia and Python: a dynamic duo for scientific computing; SciPy 2013 Presentation
LarvaMap - A python powered larval transport modeling system; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Lightning talks
lpEdit: An editor to facilitate reproducible analysis; SciPy 2013 Presentation
metaseq: a Python framework for integrating sequencing analyses; SciPy 2013 Presentation
MIST: Micro-Simulation Tool to Support Disease Modeling
MIST: Micro-Simulation Tool to Support Disease Modeling; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Modeling the Earth with Fatiando a Terra; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Multidimensional Data Exploration with Glue; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Mystic: a framework for predictive science; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Optimizing Geographic Processing and Analysis for Big Data; SciPy 2013 Presentation
OS deduplication with SIDUS (single-instance distributing universal system); SciPy 2013 Presentation
Processing biggish data on commodity hardware: simple Python patterns; SciPy 2013 Presentation
PyOP2: a Framework for Performance-Portable Unstructured Mesh-based Simulations, SciPy 2013
Python and the SKA
Python and the SKA; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Pythran: Enabling Static Optimization of Scientific Python Programs; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Questions to Holger Krekel - The return of peer to peer computing
Roadmap to a Sentience Stack; SciPy 2013 Presentation
SCI-WMS: A Python Based Web Map Service For Met-Ocean Data; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Scientific Computing and the Materials Genome Initiative; SciPy 2013 Presentation
SciPy 2013 Conference Welcome and Introduction
SciPy 2013 Keynote: IPython: the method behind the madness
SciPy 2013 Keynote: The New Scientific Publishers
SciPy 2013 Keynote: The New Scientific Publishers
SciPy 2013 Keynote: Trends in Machine Learning and the SciPy community
Skdata: Data seets and algorithm evaluation protocols in Python; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Streamed Clustering of Lightning Mapping Data in Python Using sklearn; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Stuff to do with your genomic intervals; SciPy 2013 Presentation
SunPy - Python for Solar Physicists
SunPy - Python for Solar Physicists; SciPy 2013 Presentation
The advantages of a scientific IDE; SciPy 2013 Presentation
The Production of a Multi-Resolution Global Index for GIS; SciPy 2013 Presentation
The return of Peer2Peer computing
Thinking outside the Box
Using Python for Structured Prediction; SciPy 2013 Presentation
vIPer, a new tool to work with IPython notebooks; SciPy 2013 Presentations
Why you should write buggy software with as few features as possible; SciPy 2013 Presentation
Writing Reproducible Papers with Dexy; SciPy 2013 Presentation