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Archives for August 2014
30분만에 따라하는 동시성 웹 스크래퍼
DNA 데이터로 가족찾기
Geofront 개발 후기: Python 2와 작별하고 Python 3로 개발하기
IPython과 Pandas를 활용한 게임데이터 분석
제약을 넘어 : Gevent
네트워크 엔지니어들을 위한 Python
NetworkX를 이용한 네트워크 분석
PyCon Korea 2014 Lightning talks
Python 3.4: AsyncIO
Python with Cloud For Startup
Python기반의 MySQL Fabric을 이용한 샤딩 및 확장
SociaLite: 빅 데이터 분석을 위한 파이썬 통합 쿼리 언어
위대한 dict 이해하고 사용하기
Enough Machine Learning to Make Hacker News Readable Again
from present import future.curriculum
HiPy - Python for High School Students
Openstack 簡介
Python in VIM
(Benford's) Law and Order (Fraud) by Rhys Elsmore
Building Better Web APIs by HawkOwl
Caching: A trip down the rabbit hole by Tom Eastman
Clustering of high-content screen images to discover off-target phenotypes by Juan Nunez-Iglesias
Continuous Integration Testing for Your Database Migrations by Joshua Hesketh
devpi: Your One Stop Cheese Shop by Richard Jones
Grug make fire! Grug make wheel! by Russell Keith-Magee
How do debug tool bars for web applications work? by Graham Dumpleton
Introduction to Google Cloud Endpoints for Python developers
Multiplying really really big matrices by Paul Leopardi
OpenStack MiniConf: Changing the world with ZeroVM and Swift by Jakub Krajcovic
OpenStack Miniconf: Deploy into an OpenStack cloud using Solum by Angus Salkeld
OpenStack MiniConf: Large Scale Identification of Race Conditions by Joseph Gordon (HP)
OpenStack MiniConf: Python Build Reasonableness and Semantic Versioning by Robert Collins (HP)
OpenStack security by Grant Murphy (Red Hat)
Pandas 101 by Lex Hider
Science MiniConf: Lost in High-dimensional Space? Python to the Rescue! by Jay Larson
Science MiniConf: Monte Carlo Business Case Analysis with pandas by Arthur Street
Science MiniConf: Python for Bioinformatics by Clare Sloggett
Science MiniConf: Python, Pyramid, and Embedded Devices by Justin Clacherty
Science Miniconf: Welcome
Seeing with Python by Mark Rees
Software Carpentry in Australia: current activity and future directions by Damien Irving
Sounds good! by Sebastian Beswick
Tempest: OpenStack Integrated Testing by Matthew Treinish (HP)
The Curse of the Django Podcast by Elena Williams
Yielding a Tulip
Graph database for python
Graph-Tool: The Efficient Network Analyzing Tool for Python
OpenOffice Application with Python
Python to LiveScript
Deploy to Android: Adventures of a Hobbyist by Brendan Scott
Django Miniconf: Closing Keynote by Tony Morris
Django MiniConf: Django Transactions: Past, Present, and Future by Christophe Pettus
Django MiniConf: Writing Reusable Django Apps by Jacob Haslehurst
Graphs, Networks and Python: The Power of Interconnection by Lachlan Blackhall
Learning to program is hard, and how to fix that by Jackson Gatenby
Lesser known data structures by Tim McNamara
Lightning talks
PyBots! or how to learn to stop worrying and love coding by Anna Gerber
Record linkage: Join for real life by Rhydwyn Mcguire
Running Django on Docker: a workflow and code
Software Component Architectures and circuits? by James Mills
Try A Little Randomness by Larry Hastings
Verification: Truth in Statistics by Tennessee Leeuwenburg
What in the World is Asyncio? by Josh Bartlett
Open Source and Open Science: how Python and its community made me a better scientist
Using Fabric and Docker for deployment testing
立委投票指南 -- 從零開始
Bicycles for the Mind: Building High-Performance Tools with Python
Command line programs for busy developers by Aaron Iles
Descriptors: attribute access redefined by Fraser Tweedale
Django MiniConf: How to be helped; or, Why is FunkyBob angry with me?
Django MiniConf: Lightning talks
如何用 grs 擷取台灣上市股票股價資訊
How (not) to upgrade a platform by Edward Schofield
Lightning talks
Python-powered Business Analytics
用 Python 建立你自己的 Summly
Python: under the sea, in space, and back home
Rapid Web Development with Mezzanine
Serialization formats aren't toys by Tom Eastman
The Quest for the Pocket-Sized Python by Christopher Neugebauer
What is OpenStack? by Michael Still
Accessibility: Myths and Delusions by Katie Cunningham
Python For Every Child In Australia by Dr James R. Curran