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Archives for September 2014
Async Programming and Python
Asyncio for Dummies
Auth as a service with Lastuser
Building highly scalable web services with Gevent experiences at Plivo
Day 1 Lightning Talks
Development to Production
Django Design Patterns
Faster data processing in Python
GPU accelerated high performance computing primer
Introduction to BinPy An Electronic Simulation Library
Key Note Day1 - Kushal Das
Key Note Michael Foord
Medusa A much faster Python implementation based on the Dart Virtual Machine
Meet ElasticSearch My Pet Crunch Monster @Directi
Messing with government data using Python
Neo4J and Python Playing with graph data
New Scientific Plotting in Python
Panel Discussion Flask vs Django vs web py
Python, Arduino and connected objects
Python + Spark Lightning Fast Cluster Computing
Python, the eyes of real world computer applications
SHARQ An API queueing system built at Plivo!
Transfer Pipeline at DreamWorks
Which messaging layer should you use if you want to build a loosely coupled distributed Python app
Patterns for Extensibility
Lightning Talks
JSON Web Tokens
Liberation and modernization of government legacy data using Django
What is the Django admin good for?
doitlive: shell demo magic for the masses
Lifelines: Survival Analysis in Python
Proctor, une nuée de Tor pour protéger votre vie privée
Pyston, a new JIT-based Python implementation
Québec 24/7, le Québec supervisé
Activating Your Site: A Look at Activity Streams
Choose Your Own Django Deployment Adventure
Django: a Data Shovel With a Future
High Performance Django: From Runserver to Reddit Hugs
Optimizing your webapp by using django-debug-toolbar
REST: It's not just for servers
Technical Onboarding, Training, and Mentoring
AngularJS + Django = A Perfect Match
Architectural evolution in startups
*args, **kwargs
Building a REST API with Django & Django REST Framework
Customizable and SaaSy REST APIs
Elasticsearch DSL
Finding your "Teaching Stack": tools for teaching Python from beginners to experts
From Legacy to Admin
Games with Pygame
Getting Rich with Comparison Methods
How I Taught a 10-year-old to Love Python and Programming
How I use Python to Fight human trafficking
How to write actually object-oriented python
Insight into the anatomy of a huge Python project
Lightning Talks
Macro Scaling via Microservices
Monary: Really fast analysis with MongoDB and NumPyKyle Suarez and Matt Cotter
OAuth2 and Django, What You Should Know
Python as uniting programming language across computer graphics packages
Python for Curious People who Like Natural Language a Lot
Python in the Video Game Industry
Sparkling Pandas - using Apache Spark to scale Pandas
SQLAlchemy and Race Conditions! Implementing `get_one_or_create()`
TSAR (the TimeSeries AggregatoR)
Upgrading Django (to 1.7)
Using Python with an Ordered Key-Value Store
Web Scraping is BS
A Nice Problem to Have: Django Under Heavy Load
Building flexible tools to store sums and report on CSV data
Caching up and down the stack in Django
Confidence in the Lasso
Decorators 101: A Gentle Introduction to Functional Programming
Digging Into Django's Migrations
Do you wanna be a core dev? (You don't have to be core dev...)
Failing With Grace
Geo+Django: Geo beyond the Django
How to Solve Django's Top 5 Enterprise Headaches
Integrating Django and WordPress can be simple.
Intro to SQLAlchemy
Practical Approaches to Problems in the Financial Industry using Python
Pretty Pictures Please
Python and Julia. Why do we need another language?
Python Apps and Docker
Real World Django Q&A
Service Oriented Flask
Setting up your development environment for Django
Setting up your Python development environment in IPython
The evolution of a RESTful Django backend
The Pathetic Fallacy, or, an Engineering Approach to Programming
Video, Python and FFmpeg: What you can do!
What Problem Are You Trying to Solve, Anyway?
Why is Python So Fast?
An introduction to Python and graph databases with Neo4j
basil - making it easy to spin up best practice python web frameworks
Bottle + uWSGI: simple web app configuration and fun hidden features
CH14 データ分析の世界へようこそ! ~マーケティングに活かせるPythonライブラリ~ (ja)
CH15 Pythonではじめる野球プログラミング (ja)
CH16 Lightning Talks ~ Closing
Cloud Craft for Spatial Cadets
CR12 WebSocket 101 in Python (en)
CR13 Python Quest in Taiwan (en)
Deploying a Django application using Juju
Deploying test and production systems with Ansible
Francesco Biscani: A Snake in Space (Keynote)
goto in python. Yes. Really.
Lightning Talks
Making a scalable course search engine with python
MH12 パッケージングの今 (ja)
MH13 正規表現リテラルは本当に必要なのか? (ja)
Multimedia programming using Gstreamer (and, of course, Python)
PyPy.js: What? How? Why?
Surprise features you didn't ask for
Understanding human language with Python
A Testing Talk
Brazil: How we are gaining space with Django
CH07 リファクタリングツールあれこれ (May the force be with you) (ja)
CH08 Python を支える技術: ディスクリプタ編 (ja)
CH09 Lightning Talks
CH10 Opening~Keynote: Hirokazu Nishio
CH11 Oktavia - Search Engine (en)
CH12 PyNES: Python programming for Nintendo 8 bits. (en)
CH13 Improving code quality through static analysis for Python (en)
Class-based Views: Past, Present and Future
Connecting Patients to Doctors in Real-Time Using Django
Control All Your Programs with MIDI Controllers
CR06 Pelicanによる静的ウェブサイトの構築 - www.python.jp サイトの仕組みと構造 (ja)
CR07 Pyramid入門 (ja)
CR09 OpenCVのpythonインターフェース入門 (ja)
CR10 Pythonとscikit-learnではじめる機械学習 (ja)
CR11 数理最適化によるパズルの解法 (ja)
Exploring The Philosophy of Programming
External dependencies in web apps: system libs are not that scary
Find All the Books
Fixing Python
From __icontains to search
GNU Mailman 3 and Django
Inheriting a Sloppy Codebase: A Practical Guide to Wrangling Chaotic Code
Intro to flask-security
Java for Python Developers
MH06 Open Data for Taiwan's Roadways (en)
MH07 Mining sentiments in tweets using Python (en)
MH09 "Continuous Publication" with Python: Another Approach (ja)
MH10 Pythonによる非同期プログラミング入門 (ja)
MH11 Python + Hive on AWS EMRで貧者のログ集計 (ja)
Nick Coghlan: Python Beyond (C)Python (Keynote)
Packaging a Python desktop application using PyInstaller
Performant Django
Python is slow, make it faster with C
Seize control of your network with Ryu
Semver and Python with PBR
tardis - an interpreter for command-line parallel execution
The Full Monty - CI on OpenStack
Top tips for developing and deploying on AWS
Why Python rocks Solaris
You shipped it, you fix it
Anatomy of a Django Project
CH01 Opening~Keynote: Kenneth Reitz
CH02 Djangoによるスマホアプリバックエンドの実装 (ja)
CH03 Djangoアプリケーション、パフォーマンスチューニング (ja)
CH04 Pythonの実装系総ざらい (ja)
CH05 最新リリースCMSツール Plone 5 のモダンUIとテクノロジーの進化 (ja)
CH06 PyCharm活用術 (ja)
CR01 Programming the Performance Co-Pilot toolkit (en)
CR02 Gunicorn, the thundering herd and other concurrency programming challenges (en)
CR03 Python, Raspberry Pi, Arduinoで作る消費電力モニタリングシステム (ja)
CR04 Micro Python で組み込み Python (ja)
CR05 XML-RPC : Pythonが「電池付属」と呼ばれる理由 (ja)
Django REST API - So easy you can learn it in 25 minutes
How do debug tool bars for web applications work?
MH01 Deep Learning for Image Recognition in Python (ja)
MH02 The esperanto generator (ja)
MH03 Data collection, analysis and optimization with python (en)
MH04 Effective numerical computation in Numpy and Scipy (en)
MH05 Introduction to scientific programming in python (en)
All You Need Is L***
Development with Ansible and VMs
Practical Django Secuirty