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Event: PyBay 2019
Other events in this series:
Accelerating Driver Development with CircuitPython
Amazing things your ORM can or can't do
An Intro to Load Testing with Locust and Python
As We May Program
Audio Processing and ML using Python
Be Ye Therefore Wise As Serpents
Boring Object Orientation
Building a Sustainable Python Package Index
CUDA in your Python: Parallel Programming on the GPU
CuPy: A NumPy compatible Library for the GPU
Deep Learning By Doing
Dependency Injection, Quickly
Extending GDB with Python
Full Stack Web with Nothing but Python: How Anvil Works
How to Write Pytest Plugins
Identifying influencers via Slack Messages in Python using Network Analysis and NLP
Koalas: Easy Transition from pandas to Apache Spark
Make the Most of it: Negotiation and Self Advocacy
Migrating from REST to GraphQL in Django
PEP 581 and PEP 588: Migrating CPython's Issue Tracker
Perceiving Python Programming Paradigms
Plugins: using importlib to build self describing apis
Pushing the limits of Python ML infra at Netflix
Python and R for Advanced Analytics
Python Steering Council Panel
Python + Terraform = ♥
Real Time Bidding Models in Computational Advertising
Supercharging a VFX Production Pipeline with Analytics
Understanding Python's Debugging Internals
What's Coming in 3.8: Assignment Expressions & More!
AB Testing in Python
Airflow in Practice: Stop Worrying Start Loving DAGs
Ask the Ecosystem: Lessons from 200+ FOSS Applications
Avoiding if name == main
Beyond Paradigms
Browser security with HTTP headers
Building contextual AI assistants with OSS tools
Building effective Django queries with expressions
Busy Beaver The Chicago Python Community Engagement Slack Bot
Child Care Check
City College of San Francisco
Customizing Sphinx
Data Access at Kiva org
Data Preparation
Deploy Deep Learning models as Microservices in minutes
EdgeDB & Python
Effective Visual Representations using Python
Generate Extrude Build
Getting Specific About Algorithmic Bias
How growing vegetables makes me a better programmer
How to Deal With Messy Sensor Data
Is Your ML Model Explainable
Learning from Human Failures & Successes of PySpark
Ministry of Silly Runtimes: Vintage Python on Cloud Run
My Path to Becoming a Python Core Developer
mypy: Getting to Four Million Lines of Typed Python
Patterns for Clean API Design
Profiling Python C++ ML applications using VSCode
Project Jupyter: Tools for Interactive, Reproducible Data Science
Python for Industry: Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare
Python RTMIDI + Various Syntheszisers = Fun
Robotic Motion with Django II
Spack The Supercomputing Package Manager
Talking to data as you would with built in types
The latest with BLACK, so you can stop worrying about Formatting
Understanding Concurrency in Python!
Unit testing using monkey patching in pytest
What to do with a Flock of lambdas
Why is my tractor in the Gulf of Mexico
Why you should be using structured logs
Writing good python APIs with autosig