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Hearing Colours and Seeing Sounds using Python


We humans are the masterpieces. We are born with awesome capabilities and applaudable talents making us different from one another. As an individual , nobody thinks the way others do , they have their own intriguing ways to look at this world. Few of us have this exceptional quality to be able to visualise sounds and map colours with the words. It is termed as Synesthesia. It is fascinating to know how human brain can see sounds and hear colours, how it thinks of a word, and sees blocks of colours, and then these blocks get translated into letters. There are few who see the letters with a halo-effect. The letters give- off almost a glow of a certain colour.It is a striking fact that the synesthetic brains are wired a little differently from the ones of non-synesthetes.
This talk will cover the interesting applications of python programming by harnessing simple mathematical techniques to simulate the synesthetic ( bridging modalities) behaviour of brain. It is really appealing to be able to look at the world wearing colourful shades and building an AI that does bridge these modalities (vision , hearing ,etc ) is truly astounding. The talk covers an interesting viewpoint on how python can be used widely to analyse some of the really complex human brain behaviours ,in addition to solving comparatively trivial real world problems.

Link to the slides : seeing-sounds-using-python?slide=28

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in __on Friday 3 May at 10:30 **See schedule**

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