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Event: PyCon Italia 2019
Other events in this series:
Decoupling Django with Django REST (and a sprinkle of React)
Deep Learning for brain MRI segmentation: Big Data, AI and HPC meet together
Immagino: un racconto di serverless e codeless (più o meno).
Introduzione a Zerynth: Python per Microcontrollori e Applicazioni IoT
Let the AI Do the Talk: Adventures with Natural Language Generation
Python Standard Library, the hidden gems
Python Website is Slow? Think Again!
Real world Graphene - lessons learned from building a GraphQL API on top of a large Django project
Service discovery: sai dov'è il mio microservice?
Sharing is Caring! - how to free the CPU from message passing hell - shared memory saved the day
Source; deploying unbiased models effortlessly.
Subwoofler: Create Your Own Musical Instrument
TemPy! Una alternativa al templating tradizionale usando solo Python.
Ternary CPUs: how they work and how Python helps designing one
Text Extraction from PDFs made Easy
Uno sguardo alle Dataclasses: quando una namedtuple non basta
Usa lo Zen, Luke!
Using OpenAPI (and Python) to standardize a Country's API Ecosystem
Using Vault to better protect your secrets.
White Mars: living far away from any form of life
You don't need n dimensions when you have pandas
A Worked Intro to Scikit-learn
Artisanal Async Adventures
Basta problemi con tensorflow usando Docker & Nvidia Docker
Come aiutare i cani con Genropy
Communicating Between Microservices
Darkweb + Python: discover, analyze and extract information from hidden services
Defence Against the Dark Arts: Adversarial ML
From Science with (Data) Love: make others love data the way you do.
How software can feed the world
How to write a JIT compiler in 30 minutes
In Codice Ratio: Machine Transcription in the Vatican Secret Archive
Lightning Talks
Machine Learning for Inventory Management
Multi-modal classification with PyTorch
Orobix: AI gets to work!
Pipenv per la gestione delle dipendenze negli ambienti di sviluppo e di produzione
Please tell me why?! Explaining Machine Learning predictions in Python with Shap
Predicting Human Activity using Time Series Analysis
Quando la tua applicazione Django non va abbastanza veloce
Ravioli vs Pelmeni software architecture (microservices vs services)
Scrivere i primi test frontend con python? Si Può!
Serverless computing con Python e AWS - Endgame Edition
Sviluppare per Alexa in Python
Why you should pursue public speaking and how to get there
AI and algorithmic art
Alex Martelli - Ask Me Anything
Algoritmo di Routing Multi-Obiettivo di Veicoli Elettrici con vincoli di ricarica lungo il percorso
An insight into Python Garbage Collection
Building a Celery alternative in Django on Kubernetes
Costruire un sito e-commerce con Odoo
Deep learning: the final frontier for time series analysis and signal processing?
Deep Learning with PyTorch for Fun and Profit (Part III / Italian Edition: Divina Commedia)
From Machine Learning to Deep Learning and Applying AI to real-world enterprise challenges
Genropy e lo storage di file in cloud
Geospatial analysis with Python
Good features beat algorithms
Hearing Colours and Seeing Sounds using Python
High Performance and Scalability Made Easy For Data-Analytics/Machine-Learning Codes
How to Become a Kickass Team Lead 101
Internet delle cose con Redis e django-channels
Machine learning approaches for road scene video analysis
Mappe 🗺️ con GeoDjango 🌎, PostGIS 🐘 e Leaflet 🍃
Meet dask and distributed: the unsung heroes of Python scientific data ecosystem.
Pandas ecosystem 2019
Porting your Python web app to serverless in 30 minutes
PostgreSQL on the kube
PyConX Conference Goodbye
PyConX Conference Welcome and Introduction
Python e MySQL 8.0 Document Store
Python & Serverless: Refactor your monolith piece by piece
The Secret Society of Happiness
Traversing the land of graph computing and databases
Using Python to create political acts