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Archives for May 2014
How your brain tricks you
If code is poetry, then documentation is prose
Il reverendo Bayes è tuo amico (anche se non puoi andarci a cena assieme)
Introduzione a Openstack: uno IaaS provider in Python
Kivy, applicazioni mobile cross-platform in Python
Lightning talks
Machine Learning as a Service: fare sentiment analysys in realtime con ZMQ e NLTK
Making Python a better scripting language
Managing Millions Mobile Messages per Day with Python
Matplotlib recipes for your graphical "soups"
PyLisp: Compilare il lisp in Python bytecode
Ricette di Data Viz con Matplotlib
Ta taaaa... chi trova fabric non lo lascia più
Un grande linguaggio per un grande strumento
V-ERAS: Un ambiente virtuale per l'esplorazione planetaria
A scuola con Leap e Python
At School with Leap and Python
Build di applicazioni desktop in Python con Jenkins
Caso di successo di utilizzo di Python e Gamera per la realizzazione di un sistema OMR
Come creare API REST per tutti i gusti con Django OAuth Toolkit
Come fare continuos integration in ambienti IT "sfidanti" usando ansible
Creare soundscape con il python
Da sito web a dati JSON in 30 minuti con Scrapy
Divertiamoci con i Websocket (ma senza nodejs...)
Django meets asyncio
Eve - REST API for Humans™
Eve - REST API per Umani™
Machine Learning as a Service: making sentiment predictions in realtime with ZMQ and NLTK
Machine Learning Parallelo (e Distribuito) con Scikit-Learn
Metaprogrammazione di una app Django
Mezzanine, il CMS emergente per "tutte" le esigenze!
Perche' deployare applicazioni web e' cosi' difficile ???
Post-mortem Debugging e Sviluppo Web
Procrastination makes you better: Life of a remotee
PyPy status (a.k.a.: no, PyPy è ancora vivo)
Python for Zombies: 12.000 enrolled in the first Brazilian MOOC to teach Python
Rendere Python un linguaggio di scripting migliore
ReNette: a web-service for network reproducibility analysis
Se il codice è poesia, la documentazione è prosa.
There *will* be bugs
Applicazioni Web Realtime e Reattive con Python e TurboGears
Conda: un gestore di pacchetti software per python e non solo
Django per non credenti
I bug ci sono sempre...
Le applicazioni GenroPy
Una scelta sbagliata... rimane sbagliata
Best Practices for Software Engineers (May 2014)
Pathlib. Маленькие вкусности Python 3.4
Python для ленивых или как сделать свою жизнь проще
Разработка мобильных приложений на Python
Unittesting. Как?
Challenges when building High profile Editorial Sites
Don't be scared of the lava! Why purist unit tests are a waste of time.
Good schema design - and why it matters!
Introduction to Docker
Keynote: The programmer's body
Make AngularJS play nice together with Django
Open data on the sea shore
pytest: helps you write better Django apps
The Whys and Hows of using Django Formsets
Advanced Web Typography
Django minus Django
From __icontains to search
Gamers do REST
Introduction to User Experience Design
Keynote: Your Product is more than the Application!
Lightning Talks - Wednesday - 1
Lightning Talks - Wednesday - 2
Really, Really Fast Django
Taming Complexity with Django
The Power of Natural Language - From ATDD to Lean Modeling
An introduction to django-oscar
Designing and maintaining distributed systems
Django class-based views: survival guide for novices
Django powered ecological research
Frequently Missed Performance Gains
Healthchecks for Django
Keynote: Where the Wild Things Are
Lightning Talks - Tuesday
Team up Django and Web mapping
The future of PostgreSQL in Django
Visibility for web developers
Web components in Django
arkOS: Your Data, Your Rules
Career advice for the modern programmer
Firefox OS - HTML5 to the next level
Обзор фреймворка Twisted
Python for switch-heads
Redis. Как мы боролись со сложностью
Unicode is ∂© in python 2, but better in python 3
Apie sūrį ir baterijas
Codegen: paprastas būdas Python transliuoti į kitas kalbas
DAMIS: mokslinių skaičiavimų aplinka
Emacs: Python IDE
Hakink Lietuvai!
OpenERP ir Tryton
Plepalai apie smauglį
Python dekoratoriai
Python lietuvių kalbos analizei
Python logging
Python Multiprocessing
Documentation at Scale
Documenting Domain Specific Knowledge
Using IPython for Parallel Computing (April 2014)
Alex Bokov & Dan Connolly - Using Python and Paver to Control a Large Medical Informatics
Andrew Montalenti & Keith Bourgoin - Real-time streams and logs with Storm and Kafka
Bartek Wilczynski - Using Python to Find a Bayesian Network Describing Your Data
Brian Granger and Jonathan Frederic - IPython Interactive Widgets, Part 1
Brian Granger and Jonathan Frederic - IPython Interactive Widgets, Part 2
Brian Granger and Jonathan Frederic - IPython Interactive Widgets, Part 3
Bugra Akyildiz - Outlier Detection in Time Series Signals
Burc Arpat - Why Python is Awesome When Working With Data at any Scale
Chris Beaumont - Data Analysis with SciDB-Py
Chris Laffra - PyAlgoViz: Python Algorithm Visualization in the Browser
Christopher Roach - MapReduce: 0-60 in 40 minutes
Daniel Moisset - Querying Your Database in Natural Language
Eytan Bakshy - Designing and Deploying Online Experiments with PlanOut
Freedom Dumlao - Building an Army of Data Collecting Robots in Python
Greg Lamp - ggplot For Python
Jacob Barhak - The Reference Model for Disease Progression
James Horey - Ferry Share and Deploy Big Data Applications with Docker
James Powell - Generators Will Free Your Mind
Jason Sundram - A Full Stack Approach To Data Visualization Terabytes and Beyond at Facebook
Jiwon Seo - SociaLite Python integrated Query Lamguage for Big Data Analysis
Joshua Bloom - Data Science at Berkeley
Lynn Root - How To Spy with Python
Matthew Rocklin - Functional Performance with Core Data Structures
Mehdi Amini - Pythran: Static Compiler for High Performance
Mike Starr - Dataswarm
Min Ragan-Kelley - IPython: What's new, what's cool, and what's coming
Paul Ivanov and Thomas Kluyer - The IPython Protocol, Frontends and Kernels
Peter Wang - PyData: Past, Present, Future
Portia Burton - Know Thy Neighbor an Introduction to scikit-learn and K-NN
Rob Story - Up and Down the Python Data and Web Visualization Stack
Rob Witoff - Dark Data A Data Scientist's Exploration of the Unknown
Robert Brewer - Crushing the Head of the Snake
Ryan Rosario - Sentiment Classification Using scikit-learn
Sarah Guido - K-means Clustering with scikit-learn
Saul Diez-Guerra - Speed without drag
Stephan Hoyer - Introducing xray: extended arrays for scientific datasets
Tim Spurway - Hustle: a column oriented, distributed event database
Travis Oliphant - Conda
Ville Tuulos - How to Build a SQL-based Data Warehouse for 100+ Billion Rows in Python
Wes McKinney - DataPad: Python-powered Business Intelligence