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Tag: NoSQL
A deep dive and comparison of Python drivers for Cassandra and Scylla
Traversing the land of graph computing and databases
Python e Elasticsearch: dal Text Search a NLP e oltre
NoSQL doesn't mean No Schema
NoSQL Python: making data frames work for you in a non-rectangular world
Content Management mit Web APIs
Never get in a battle of bits without ammunition.
Python and PostgreSQL for Huge Data Warehouses
pl/python now as powerful as C
PostgreSQL is Web-Scale (Really :) )
Beziehungen? Nein danke! - Agile Datenbankentwicklung mit schemafreien Datenbanken und Python
MongoDB with Python
PyGotham 2011: Rapid and Scalable Development with MongoDB, PyMongo, and Ming
A Python on the Couch
Relate or !Relate
MongoDB + Pylons at Catch.com: Scalable Web Apps with Python and NoSQL
NoSQL and Django Panel
PyOhio 2010: Getting to know MongoDB using Python and IronPython
To relate or not to relate, that is the question (#99)