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Event: PyCon Italia 2018
Other events in this series:
A primer on the Ethereum Blockchain and Smart Contracts using Python and Serpent
(Alpha) Zero to Elo
Choose Your Own Adventure for Client Web Services with GraphQL
Continuous Delivery starts at your Development Environment
Dalla User Story al test automatico in Django: un percorso step by step per dormire sonni tranquilli
Il rasoio dei generatori di Python per semplificare il codice e ridurre l'uso di memoria
Integration tests ready to use with pytest-play
Location, location, location: Data Visualisation and Analysis of Geospatial data in Python
Pacchettizzare applicazioni python in un singolo file binario
Practical Machine Learning with Python and scikit-learn
Python 3: 10 years later - Looking back at Python evolutions of the last 10 years
Python e Elasticsearch: dal Text Search a NLP e oltre
PyTorch: a modern scientific computing library for Python
Serverless Computing con Python e AWS: Redux
Serverless SQL queries from Python with AWS Athena...or power to Data Scientists!
What's going on there? Understanding cities with location data.
A journey into the Chinese language with Python
Bokeh: Using python for interactive data visualization
CPython loves your Pull Requests
Databases for Data Science
Deep Learning in Computer Vision: state of the art techniques and applications in industry
Django Girls Italia: entrare in contatto con le donne tecnologiche, davvero
Going Isomorphic with Django and React
Google loves Python 2.0
GPU-accelerated data analysis in Python: a study case in Material Sciences
GraphQL in Python
Hacking Your Way Into Machine Learning
Helping communities & products thrive by fostering empathy
Heroku: come deployare un'app Django in 10 minuti!
How to make your model happy again
How to use Web-Sockets in Python
Image Generation with Tensorflow (GANs)
In git we trust
IoT con Python: si può fare! dall'ESP8266 alla casa domotica
Lessons from a massive, openly-developed project
Lies, damned lies, and statistics
Monitoraggio di applicazioni Django con Prometheus (e Grafana)
My story with Python and Open Source
Panino Digitale: una applicazione pratica di educazione creativa
Predicting future states using High Order Markov Chains
Python, Gravitational Waves and the Dawn of Multimessenger Astrophysics
Quando Django incontra PostgreSQL!
Recent advancements in NLP and Deep Learning: A Quant's Perspective
Recommendation Model for Ranking Matching Houses
Reproducibility, and Selection Bias in Learning: when just Cross Validation is not enough!
Testing, then once you got there?
Testing Thousands of Python Projects Every Day
Una zuppa di Python
Using Python to bring democracy to the A.I. age
Working for FOSS can make you a better programmer: Insights into my Outreachy internship with Fedora
Writing and deploying serverless Python applications
Applying serverless architecture pattern to distributed data processing
Building real time applications with Django
Business Intelligence con Genropy
Can we make the light bulb want to change?
Come vanno gli affari? Visualizziamolo con Superset
Da applicativi Desktop a Web
Data Visualization in Mixed Reality with Python
Deep Learning from zero to hero
DevOps di applicazioni Python (e non solo) su OpenShift
DjangoProject.com - Ricerca Full-Text con PostgreSQL
Don’t try to look smart, be smart!
Elastic by examples ==> Tutto (o quasi) quello che è possibile fare con ElasticSearch&Phyton
Erpy e Genropy. Gestione punti vendita
Everyday security issues and how to avoid them
Evolution or stagnation programming languages
Insegnare la matematica con Python: percorsi suggeriti per le Scuole Superiori
Introduzione a Zerynth: Python per Microcontrollori e Applicazioni IoT
La sicurezza dei database MySQL in ottica GDPR
Monitora le performance della tua applicazione Python Flask con Elasticsearch e Kibana
MySQL 8: un database SQL/NoSQL semplice da usare
PaaS per tutti i gusti: CI/CD sotto controllo con Kubernetes e Dokku
Pelican e perchè generare siti statici
PostgreSQL & Python: La coppia perfetta.
PyCon 9 - Lightning Talks
PyCon Italia 9 - An Italian dark vintage story
PyCon Italia 9 Goodbye and Closing
PyCon Italia 9 Welcome
Pycon Italia meets Concordia
Pygame torna a scuola
Python & Industry 4.0: a real world case
Replica logica in PostgreSQL: il futuro è adesso
Scaling your Data infrastructure
Sports performance evaluation: from cognitive mechanisms to data-driven algorithms
Taking care of PostgreSQL with Ansible
The practice of TDD: tips&tricks
Unveiling the potential of graph databases with Python and Neo4j
Usare Odoo come framework
Vim your Python, Python your Vim
Voting-based Ranking Combination using Python
When the __future__ becomes the present; Dropping Python 2 support in a commercial client
When your wetware has too many threads - Tips from an ADHDer on how to improve your focus