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Archives for June 2015
Selecting the best model in scikit-learn using cross-validation
Куда класть исходники
Машинное обучение и народное хозяйство
A Beginner's Guide to Building Data Pipelines with Luigi
A Fast, Offline Reverse Geocoder in Python
A practical guide to conquering social network data
Collect and Visualise Metrics With InfluxDB and Grafana
Constructing protein structural features for Machine Learning.
Defining Degrees of Separation in Data Classifications Using Predictive Modelling
Deploying a Model to Production
Hacking Human Language
Hierarchical Data Clustering in Python
Information Surprise or How to Find Data
Integration with the Vernacular
The net is dark and full of terrors
Jointly Embedding knowledge from large graph databases with textual data using deep learning
Jupyter (IPython): how a notebook is changing science
Keynote: CRISP-DM: The Dominant Process for Data Mining
Lightning Talks
Localising Organs of the Fetus in MRI Data Using Python
Machine Learning with Imbalanced Data Sets
NLP on a Billion Documents: Scalable machine learning with spark
Our Data, Ourselves
Performance Pandas
Python for Image and Text Understanding: One Model to rule them all!
Ship It!
Sudo Make me a (London) Map
A Tube Story: How can Python help us understand London's most important transportation network?
Agent-Based Modelling, the London riots, and Python
Data-visualisation with Python and Javascript: crafting a data-viz toolchain for the web
Financial Risk Management: Analytics and Aggregation with the PyData stack
Getting Meaning from Scientific Articles
How DataKind UK helped Citizens Advice get more from their data
If It Weighs the Same as a Duck: Detecting Fraud with Python and Machine Learning
Keynote - How to Find Stories in Data
Keynote: What's it Like to be a Bot?
Making Computations Execute Very Quickly
PyPy, The Python Scientific Community and C extensions
Python and scikit-learn based open research SDK for collaborative data management and exchange
Rescuing and Exploring Complex Life Science Data
Simulating Quantum Physics in Less Than 20 Lines of Pure Python
Smart Cars of Tomorrow: Real-Time Driving Patterns
The Dark Art of Search Relevancy
Using the SALib Library for Conducting Sensitivity Analyses of Models
Veni, Vidi, Voronoi: Attacking Viruses using spherical Voronoi diagrams in Python
Accelerating Scientific Code with Numba
Analysis and transformation of geospatial data using Python
Automating Jenkins CI server with python
Building a custom wrapper kernel for IPython
Business logic with PostgreSQL and Python
Closing Keynote
Debugging thousand CPU hour multigigabyte analyses with Python Decorators
Faster data processing in Python
First Steps with Spark
Getting started with Bokeh / Let's build an interactive data visualization for the web..in Python!
Getting Started with Cloud Foundry for Data Science
How “good” is your model, and how can you make it better?
Machine Learning: Going Deeper with Python and Theano
Network Security and Analysis with Python
Open Source Tools for Financial Time Series Analysis and Visualization
Probabilistic programming in sports analytics
Writing interpreters for fun and profit
Concurrent Computations on Multicore Processors
Day 1 Closing Keynote
Decorators Demystified
Easy contributable internationalization process with Sphinx
Expanding DevOps tools with MySQL Utilities
ExpEYES: Python Powered Open Source Pocket Science Lab
Improve your testing with Pytest and Mock
Neural Nets for Newbies by Melanie Warrick (May 2015)
Opening Address
Opening Keynote
Real time stream processing with Python
Short Film Production in Blender
Understanding Non blocking IO
Apache Mesos ir artimos ateities python aplikacijos
Blender ir Python
Duomenų analizė su Pandas
Grail: шаги для ваших Python-тестов
Mano atviro kodo veikla
Palaipsninis tipavimas Pitone: Type Hints ir mypy
Patarimai programuojantiems Django
Python mikrokontroleryje
Rest сервисы на Flask
Cosa mi entusiasma nelle prossime release di Django
CRAIS - Testing, everywhere
DevOps Security — Protect Your Application From Being Owned
DjangoCMS Best Practices
Kivy RAD Python per lo sviluppo di applicazioni mobile e non solo.
Managing Docker with Python
Modern Python Patterns and Idioms
Test Driven Deployment with Nose Test and IPython
Una guida per lo sviluppo collaborativo
Understanding PyPy
V-ERAS-14: Una missione di esplorazione marziana in realtà virtuale
Writing an 8086 emulator
GitFs: Building a file system in Python
PyCon PH 2015 - Community Panel
PyCon PH 2015 - Intro
Why Django Sucks