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Archives for October 2015
Build Infrastructure: What It Is, Why You Need It
Data analysis and visualisation in Python
Increase response rate with predictive analytics
Ista (Liking) Julia for Pythonistas
Keynote: Creating safe learning experiences for all of our community members.
My 25 year love/hate relationship with databases
Pylint - an overview of the static analysis tool for Python
Python & PostgreSQL, a Wonderful Wedding
Turning what you wanted into what you got
Using Python for data
Using Python to access web service information to support machine learning
What if those words don't mean what we think they mean?
An exploration of Rugby Data using Python and Bayesian Statistics (PyData)
An introduction to GPU programming using Theano
An introduction to machine learning on small scale datasets (PyData)
Analysing user behaviour - from histograms to random forests (PyData)
Django Tales and how the Django community can change lives.
Exploring our Python Interpreter
Probabilistic programming with Lea (PyData)
PyCon Ireland 2015 Opening Ceremony
Python's Infamous GIL
Recruitment Session
Redis, the new black
Spark Distributed Computing - Leveraging the Functional Model (PyData)
Starting to Use the Jupyter Notebook
Test Driven Documentation
Using MongoDB and Python for data analysis pipelines (PyData)
How to evaluate a classifier in scikit-learn
Bug forecasting by visualizing code evolution
Building a marketplace
How to become enterprise-friendly with free software
Hunting Malware with Python
Introducing the Asphalt framework
Keynote: Solid data structures in Python with logs
Lightning talks. PyCon Finland 2015
Nix for Python developers
Plug in with Python
Pragmatic Testing
Weaving a Search Engine around User's Workflow
Welcome and quick introduction of all talks
Welcome to async/await era
10 ans d'astuce et d'abus, Mercurial jongle avec Python
Audit de sécurité d'application python avec Bandit
Building better machine learning algorithms for a Data platform with Python
Construire et tester des wheels sous Linux, OSX et Windows
Créer une communauté locale
Démystifier les entrées/sorties asynchrones
Des boucles aux tranducers
Healthchecks : des "tests" en prod
How Python is Winning New Friends
Importer des données en Python avec CubicWeb 3.21
Let it crash - Que peut apporter Erlang à Python
L'utilisation des métaclasses
Marre de faire du C++ sur une Arduino ? Faites du Python avec MicroPython sur une PyBoard
Mise à jour à chaud d'un animal à sang froid
Mock considered harmful
Nova-Ideo, une boite à idées collaborative
Pendule mécanique, inertie, mouvements de robot: une modélisation de la mécanique avec SymPy
Pyramid & Cubicweb
Python, routing et TSP
SQL Debug avec Django
Switch, ou Se jeter à l'eau avec PyQT
Utilisation de unittest
Visuellement correct - tests de non régression visuels automatisés
We don't need your loops
When generated code makes sense
Anti-patterns for diversity
Aplikacje desktopowe z PyQt
Bokor: distribution de films en BitTorrent et hacking python
Cliquet: un toolkit pour construire des (micro)services
Conda: a cross-platform package manager
Contributors, Colleagues, Clients & Customers: Sustaining Open Source Communities
Data Scientist's Python toolbox
Découverte de Django
Déploiement d'applications python dans un monde post-docker
Du site dynamique au document imprimable en Python
Fonctionnement de l'Odoo Community Association
from Sync to to Async Python, a AsyncIO migration
GeoAlchemy : le géo-compagnon d'SQLAlchemy
Guix-tox, une version fonctionnelle de tox.
Humans' Deep learning for humans
Inventaire des spécificités de Python
IPython vers Jupyter
Kiedy ostatnio zrobiłeś coś dla 15 milionów ludzi?
Kinto: stocker, synchroniser et partager ses données de manière générique
Kivy - introduction
Learning Python, Learning French
Micro-services késako
Optimiser l'intégration de code avec Zuul
Painless testing
Pièges et bizarreries de (C)Python
Plus loin que la mémoization : la tabulation
Scapy, application à la sécurité
The Art of Doing Nothing – Using profiling to speed up your code
tox est amour
Votre appli web et Python: de zéro au million d'utilisateurs
XPath for web scraping
Dokku. Build your own PaaS
Growbots - od zera do wypuszczenia MVP z bazą 100 mln rekordów w 3 miesiące - studium przypadku
Locust - nowoczesne narzędzie do load testów
Nigdy więcej "AAA… Na mojej maszynie działało…"
OctoDocker - sprawdź działanie pull requesta przed akceptacją
(py)OpenCL na kartach graficznych: wprowadzenie do GPGPU
Python in a hacker's toolbox
Riding a Bike Driven Development - Python Good Practices
Rise of Cortana: how artificial intelligence has changed global company?
Skonteneryzuj swój świat
SOLID Python
With modern_peripherals: Python and Flask
Wszystko co chcielibyście wiedzieć o dziedziczeniu, ale boicie się zaimplementować.
Your keyboard
Building real-world applications with `asyncio`
Mezzanine: the hidden gem of the django ecosystem
Microservices on OpenShift v3
Object capability security
SDN: Enabling dynamic routing with python and Open vSwitch (OVS)
The MySQL Utilities
The Reference Model for Disease Progression and Latest Developments in the MIST
Topic Modeling with Python
Why do you need a code review system?
Why should I care about asyncio?
Wrangling Big Data in the Energy Industry
360view pyconJP2015
CH13 セカイノカオ by チーム・カオ
CH14 PyPIデビュー 2015
CH15 Lightning Talks ~ Closing
CR10 野球Hack!~Pythonを用いたデータ分析と可視化
CR11 Rise of the Static Site Generator
MH10 Translation of Python Programs into non-English Languages for Learners without English...
Securing Django-Powered Websites
CH07 PyLadies Tokyo-初心者女性向けPython体験ワークショップ開催の裏側
CH08 Panel Discussion - いま求められるコミュニティの多様性と未来
CH09 Lightning Talks ~ Closing
CH10 Keynote
CH11 pandas internals
CH12 Python で作って学ぶ形態素解析
CR06 tse - Pythonによるテキスト整形ユーティリティ
CR07 Teaching Data Structures with Python
CR08 Pythonで3Dデータモデリング&3Dプリント
CR09 Writing Fast Code
MH06 Let it crash: what Python can learn from Erlang.
MH07 Packaging最前線
MH08 PythonとPyCoRAMでお手軽にFPGAシステムを開発してみよう
MH09 uWSGI/Dockerを利用したWebサービス運用事例
MH11 アドネットワークのデータ解析チームを支える技術
PyDX 2015: A Newcomer's Guide to Open Source Contribution
PyDX 2015: Ad-hoc Database Graphs with IPython
PyDX 2015: Continuing Education at Work
PyDX 2015: Creating a REST API with Python and Flask
PyDX 2015: Generating Poetry with Python Using Prosaic
PyDX 2015: How Python Changed My Life
PyDX 2015: Keynote — Money
PyDX 2015: Keynote — The Beginner's Mind
PyDX 2015: Making MIDI Music with Python
PyDX 2015: Monte: Building a programming language using RPython
PyDX 2015: Optimizing Life: Everyday Problems Solved with Linear Programming in Python
PyDX 2015: Postgres + SciPy for Great Stats
PyDX 2015: Python as a Programming Language
PyDX 2015: Python for Evil
PyDX 2015: Python, Geodata and Maps
PyDX 2015: Search-First Writing for Non-Writers
PyDX 2015: Selling a Home with Python, Computer Vision and Deep Learning
PyDX 2015: The power of the standard library
PyDX 2015: The Seven Righteous Fights
PyDX 2015: Tutorial — Build a Bot Workshop
PyDX 2015: Tutorial — Teach a New Object Old Tricks
PyDX 2015: Type Python, Press Enter, What Happens?
PyDX 2015: UX at the Command Line: Building Better User Experiences for Developer Tools
PyDX 2015: We Made the Switch! Moving to Sphinx and restructuredText for Software Documentation
PyDX 2015: Writing Debuggable Code
Python Whut
Add a search engine to your application using Xapian
Automate your web deployments with fabric
Beginner's Guide to Machine Learning Competitions
Building a More Inclusive Python Community Culture
Building a Production Quality Project in Python
Building Python apps with Docker
CH01 Opening〜Keynote
CH02 強くなるためのプログラミング ープログラミングに関する様々なコンテストとそのはじめ方ー
CH03 How we realize SOA by Python
CH04 日本のオープンデータプラットフォームをPythonでつくる
CH05 Tornado/ElasticSearchで実現する大量ツイートのリアルタイム関連文書判定
CH06 Python and the Semantic Web: Building a Linked Data Fragment Server with Asynco and Redis
CR01 組合せ最適化を体系的に知ってPythonで実行してみよう
CR02 Pythonによる4足歩行ロボットの制御と強化学習による歩行動作獲得の実例
CR03 なぜWeb画面自動テストはうまく行かないのか
CR04 Karaoke-style Read-aloud System
CR05 Sphinxで作る貢献しやすいドキュメント翻訳の仕組み
Data mining and integration with Python
Developing interactive visualizations for the web using Bokeh
End the Holy Wars of Formatting
Hello PyBot - Python Chat Bots for Slack
I haven't decided
It's Saturday Morning—Sleep in!, or, Don't Use This Keynote
Lightning Talks
Managing Technical Debt in (Django) Projects
MH01 Ways to avoid overfitting when developing a trading strategy
MH02 Python と型ヒント (Type Hints)
MH03 Building a Scalable Python gRPC Service using Kubernetes
MH04 MinecraftをPythonで遊ぶ
MH05 Pythonで作る俺様サウンドエフェクタ
Moderation in Automation & Stupid Selenium Tricks
Physical Computing with Python
Python 101.0 - Learn Programming with Python! (Part 1)
Python 101.0 - Learn Programming with Python! (Part 2)
Python + Org-mode for fluent output generation of scientific research
Image Processing with Scikit Image
Evidence Based Teaching What We Know and How to Use
A Pure Python GUI Tookit Based on Web Technology
Big Data in Little Laptop: A Streaming Story in Python
Bokeh for Data Storytelling
Building Complex Visualizations Easily
Dashboarding w/ IPython Notebook
Data Cleaning on Text to Prepare for Analysis and Machine Learning
Get Native with Cython
Getting More Out of Matplotlib with GR
How “Good” is Your Model
JyNI - Prepare Jython for Scientific Code
Keynote - Pieter Hintjens
Keynote - Randy LeVeque
klepto Unified Persistent Storage to Memory, Disk, or Database
Modeling Living Tissues with Python: An Ongoing Project
Modelling Complex Geochemical Processes
Parallel Implementation in Python of a Pseudo-Spectral DNS Code
Poster Sessions
Probabilistic Programming and Sports Analytics
Quantum Transport Simulations
ReciPy Effortless Provenance Tracking for Python
ReScience Initiative
Reverse Engineering Animal Vision with Virtual Reality
Space Mission Design with Python
Spimagine Interactive GPU Based Visualization and Processing
Statistics in Python
Tutorial | Basic Bokeh
Want drugs? Use Python
Analyzing arguments during a debate using NLP in Python - PyCon India 2015
Avoiding common pitfalls of datetime from a webapp's perspective - PyCon India 2015
Building flexible filesystems with FUSE-Python - PyCon India 2015
Building NextGen IoT solutions using Python and Cloud - PyCon India 2015
Building Offensive Web Security Framework in Python - PyCon India 2015
Consuming Government Data with Python and D3 - PyCon India 2015
Create flexible Neuroimaging pipelines using nipype - PyCon India 2015
Creating, deployment & customizing Linux VMs on Azure with Python - PyCon India 2015
Discussion on Building and Running Communities - PyCon India 2015
Education Education Education - Keynote By Nicholas H.Tollervey - PyCon India 2015
Explore Big Data using Simple Python Code and Cloud Environment - PyCon India 2015
Fedmsg: The message bus of Fedora Infrastructure - PyCon India 2015
How to build micro services using ZeroMQ and WSGI - PyCon India 2015
How to detect Phishing URLs using PySpark Decision Trees - PyCon India 2015
Introduction and Keynote - Ajith Kumar - PyCon India 2015
Laying out your Django projects - Promises and Pitfalls - PyCon India 2015
Lightning Talk - Analytics Vidhya - PyCon India 2015
Lightning Talk - Bitten by Python - PyCon India 2015
Lightning Talk - Deployment automation - PyCon India 2015
Lightning Talk - Django deployment with git push - PyCon India 2015
Lightning Talk - Import Python - PyCon India 2015
Lightning Talk - Indian men are not still rapist - PyCon India 2015
Lightning Talk - Klonio - PyCon India 2015
Lightning Talk - Pani - PyCon India 2015
Lightning Talk - PyDelhi & Dgplug - PyCon India 2015
Lightning Talk - Python nursery rhymes - PyCon India 2015
Lightning Talk - Python Requests - PyCon India 2015
Lightning Talk - SymPy - PyCon India 2015
Lightning Talk - Ticketing plus deployment automation - PyCon India 2015
Lightning Talk - Why SQLAlchemy - PyCon India 2015
Lightning Talk - Yet Another Lightning talk - PyCon India 2015
Machine learning techniques for building a large scale production system - PyCon India 2015
Pretty printing in Python - PyCon India 2015
Python 3 Metaprogramming, Macros, Madness & More! - PyCon India 2015
Python and Riak DB, a perfect couple for huge scale distributed computing - PyCon India 2015
Python load balancer: 0 to 1 million requests per second - PyCon India 2015
Python Traceback For Humans! - PyCon India 2015
REST APIs - What, Why and How - PyCon India 2015
RIP Nagios. Hello Docker Shinken! - PyCon India 2015
Simple Hacks to Make Your Django Website Faster - PyCon India 2015
Solving Logical Puzzles with Natural Language Processing - PyCon India 2015
Sponsored - Build Python Web Apps in a breeze with Visual Studio - PyCon India 2015
Sponsored - Contributors, colleagues, clients & customers - Open Source - PyCon India 2015
Sponsored - Python at Scale @ Linkedin - PyCon India 2015
Sponsored - Python in Enterprise - Part2 - ZeOmega - PyCon India 2015
Sponsored - Python in Enterprise - ZeOmega - Part1 - PyCon India 2015
Sponsored - Revolutionizing e-commerce using hyper-local way - Zopper- PyCon India 2015
Sponsored - Technology Stack @ Goibibo - PyCon India 2015
SymEngine: The future fast core of computer algebra systems - PyCon India 2015
Test Driven Development with Ansible - PyCon India 2015
Community Security - ANPR (Automated Number Plate Recognition) on your Pi
Friday Lightning Talks
How I learnt to stop worrying and love Boost.Python
How PyPy runs your program
Kivy Showcase: a short exploration of how Kivy is changing the world
Property-based testing with Hypothesis
"Python in Production" Panel Discussion
Supporting Python 3
The Road to Continuous Deployment
What's the point of Object Orientation?
A little scripting goes a long way: automating data processing in science
An Introduction to Image Classification
Distributed pub-sub infrastructure with Apache Kafka
Numberplate recognition using python, opencv and some other magic.
OpenCanary: a new Python-based honeypot
Pragmatic Python for Social Change
PyCon Montréal in 30 min
Python @ CloudFlare
The Split-Apply-Combine Pattern for Data Science in Python
Thursday Lightning Talks