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Tag: deployment
Intentional Deployment: Best Practices for Feature Flag Management
Heroku: come deployare un'app Django in 10 minuti!
Roboto Framework for Test Code Coverage for cloud services.
Infrastructure as Code with Terraform
Modern Deployments
Building a Production Quality Project in Python
Deploying a Django application using Juju
batou - multi(component|host|environment|.*) deployment
Komponenten einer komplexen Web-Applikation
Von der Entwicklung bis zum Deployment mit standardisierten und konfigurierbaren Laufzeitumgebungen
Developing multi-platform apps with Python in 2013
batou - a multi-(component|environment|platform|.*) deployment tool
Deployability of Python Web Applications
dev --+ qual --+ prod
batou - multi-(host component environment version platform) deployment
Towards continuous deployment with Django
Deployment, Daemons and Datacenters
Real world Django deployment using Chef
New beauty in Camelot
Pitfalls of Continuous Deployment
Developing cutting-edge applications with PyQt
Best Practices for Python in the Cloud
Data Plumbing with Python
Continuous deployment
Deploying Applications with zc.buildout
Django Deployment for the Average Bloke
Large Problems in Django, Mostly Solved
PyConAU 2010: whoops I deployed again - new ways to get your app in the cloud
Designing to Scale: The Story of ShootQ (#5)
Deploying Django