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Event: PyCon Italia 2017
Other events in this series:
Artistic Python: Mixing Python Programming with Fashion
Attack of Pythons : Gotchas and Landmines in Python
Awesome CLI
Crash test of Django ORM
Create a serverless infrastructure for data collection with Python and AWS
Dai dati alla visualizzazione: la mia prima data pipeline
Differential network analysis and graph classification: a glocal approach
Explore the brain with Nilearn
Facial Analysis Techniques for Pythonista (and beyond!)
Indicizzare e cercare tonnellate di dati con ElasticSearch e Django
Just one Shade of OpenStack
Keeping up with the pace of a fast growing community without dying
Leading an open source project as a startup.
Mastering Your Tools
Open edX, soluzione per l'e-learning basata su Django
Pilotare un braccio robotico dal cloud con GenroPy e Raspberry
Python and the Commissioning of the Advanced Virgo Gravitational Waves Detector
Python e swift: linguaggi a confronto
Python + Windows, like a boss
Regole pratiche per testare la documentazione
Roboto Framework for Test Code Coverage for cloud services.
Taiga e l’agile project management: join the Oompa Loompas’ Army!
Tensor decomposition with Python: Learning structures from multidimensional data
Why I still develop synchronous web in the asyncIO era
ZimboPy: Empowering Zimbabwean Girls As Change Makers
42 PyCharm Tips and Tricks
Affrontare le sfide del cambiamento climatico con Python
AI, Machine Learning e Deep Learning: cosa cambia?
Ansible roles, private git repos and the Ansible Galaxy tool
Applying the unix philosophy to django projects: a report from the real world
Building Serverless applications with Python
ByteCode al supporto dei test per protocolli ed enforcing di best practices
Digital Analytics Data Aggregation: un case study dal mondo reale utilizzando SQL, NoSQL e Pandas
Disaster recovery: una serie di sfortunati eventi
Django Rest Framework - Tips&Tricks
E.T. chiama Python
Growing a Python community
How to turn Wikipedia into a Quiz Game
How to use pandas the wrong way
Infrastructure as Code with Terraform
Introduction to Data-Analysis with Pandas / Time Series Analysis with Pandas
Is it too late to learn how to program and how being a developer changed my life
Jupyter: if you don't use it yet you're doing wrong
L'Italia, Python e la chimera dell'Agile
Machine Learning con Python: algoritmi NILM e real-time processing
Machine Learning con Python: previsione in real-time della richiesta di energia elettrica
Nipy on functional brain MRI
Open Source: Pathway to Development Freedom
Overcoming Cognitive Bias
Panel: Microsoft Azure integration with Open Technologies
Performant Python
PostgreSQL su NFS: miti e verità
Python e PostgreSQL, un connubio perfetto
Ricerca full text in Django con PostgreSQL
Serverless computing con Python e AWS
Solving the web most popular code shortening competition with Python 3
Taking care of PostgreSQL with Ansible
Validazione e decodifica di file XML con Python
Word Embedding: come codificare il linguaggio naturale per algoritmi di previsione e classificazione
Word Embeddings for Natural Language Processing in Python
A Gentle Introduction to Neural Networks (with Python)
A year of Genropy
Amazon Web Services for dummies - tips and tricks
An Introduction to web scraping using Python
Analisi dati e grafici con Genropy e Pandas
Basic principles of scientific data visualization
Be(come) a Mentor! Help Others Succeed!
Catching Neutrinos with Python and KM3NeT
Continuous Delivery for Iot with Python and Iottly
Continuous Delivery for Python Developers
Creazione ed evoluzione di un framework per interfacce grafiche Multi-Touch con OpenGL
Deploy automatizzato di un progetto Python 3/Django con Ansible
Dial M For Mentor
Diversity Panel: experience and discussion from all over the world
Don't try to look smart. Be smart
ENVIFATE: plugin per QGIS per la valutazione del rischio di inquinamento ambientale
Genropy: 10 anni di sviluppo di un framework italiano
Genropy - Caso d'uso: gestione di una infrastruttura telefonica VoIP di medie/grandi dimensioni
Geospatial three amigos: Python, Leaflet, and ElasticSearch
Getting started with requests HTTP library
iCond: GenroPy per amministratori di condomini
La GUI di Genropy
Let the music play! Recommendation Systems in Banking
Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Survival tricks and tools for remote developers
Planet friendly web development with Django
Presenting pysftpserver: OpenSSH SFTP service with Python
PyPy Status Update
Python in Africa
Python, Locales and Writing Systems
Realizzare stampe HTML e PDF usando solo Python
Rusty Python
Scientific Hooliganism: lessons from the first hack in history
Sparking Pandas: an experiment
Svilluppare con python sull'iPad
Sviluppo lato client con Odoo
Testing in Layers
The unconventional Introduction to Deep Learning
Unreal Engine 4 e Python: Ora si Puo'
Using Python in Cosmology
weppy: the web framework for humans
Where are you going? An overview on machine learning models for human mobility